Using daily price data from September 2014 to May 2024, the correlation coefficient between Gold and Bitcoin is approximately 0.82.
A 0.82 correlation indicates a strong positive relationship: when Gold's price rises, Bitcoin's price tends to rise too, and vice versa.
Let me know if you want the raw data.
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This is just as rohasnagpal has made a good leadership for you here .
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Gold is a risk off asset, Bitcoin is a risk on asset but Bitcoin is the far better asset. You will make much more profit in Bitcoin holding over the long term. Bitcoin is gaining increasing adoption & credibility within the traditional financial world so I would not bother investing in Gold because Bitcoin is far better.
Of course gold is a specification to store your asset values but can't be compared to bitcoin because the values of gold is only subjected to its scarcity while bitcoin subjects its valuability also on scarcities and massive adoptions which is to say bitcoin has lot of varieties by which it could drive potential uprises of its values.
So having your assets stored in gold commodity with the goal of making interests has potential losses that storing your assets on bitcoin as the both are volatile.