These foul mouthed persons are in need of repentance, penitence, and turning back to God.
Dude, fuck off with your bible banging bullshit, and suck a big dick. Judge not, lest ye be judged first, mother fucker.
He tells someone to backoff with bible and then he gives the bible himself! roflmao
like I said before....a MESSAGE BOARD FOOL!
Man, you must be pretty smart to pick up on irony there, idiot. And the quote is from DMX, you fucking moron. Like I made that quote by accident. Tell me, were you dropped on your head as a child? Or are you just naturally retarded?
It originally came from the bible, and you really do have some issues. With every other word being either an insult or profanity, I think you may need to visit your local priest. Get those demons out!
The only irony is that you have an obvious position in GLD, bashing to keep interest (diff) low, accum accum accum while you can with your CPU miner, lmao. This crypto is going up. With or without market manipu!