First time i've listened to this. Stripe is looking at the same endgame i've been advocating since the beginning.
he's essentially saying that Bitcoin will act as a world reserve currency at the lower layer that can uniquely extend across borders to accomplish settlement btwn nations. the in country "gateways", as he calls them, will allow the interface btwn Bitcoin and fiat currency. customers of those gateways will continue to transact in fiat and trusted entities will arise to help guarantee customer tx's. in other words, pretty much the same system we have today except with a trustless immutable protocol layer that ties everything together, ie, a Bitcoin Standard. have a listen: many ways this is the same as the original gold standard. Fiat was backed by real money at a 1:1 ratio, but people transacted in paper because that was easier.
The eventual problem was the government was able to break convertability. For a very long time anyone could walk into a bank with fiat and walk out with a fixed amount of gold, coupled with most people viewing gold as real money. However during a crisis government was able to stop convertability, devalue the fixed exchange rate and ban private possession of gold in one action. This ability to break convertability was the failure of the gold standard.
The ultimate advantage for bitcoin is governments can not stop convertability and it is relatively easy for individuals to hold and transact in bitcoin. IMHO this is a key advantage for bitcoin over gold, bitcoin will force governments to be honest for the first time in a long time.
yes, and the beauty of implementing a system like this is that it's well understood and experienced. in fact, we still have a significant % of major economic players who remember acting within the gold std system back in 1971.
in addition, it should be relatively simple from a technical standpoint. it's modular, just drop in a Bitcoin Standard into it's slot in the current financial system w/o disrupting the fiat, debt, and derivative towers in place.
of course, as we've already stated in the Argentina thread, the value per BTC would have to skyrocket to fill that hole. optional pegs would be M1, M2, M3 (discontinued), etc.