fine, but if the proverbial "developing country" person is shopping for a water heater, she is just shopping for a water heater. not for the best combo heater/miner that heats water just right and contributes to the decentralization of the bitcoin network.
but yes, just speculating anyway. special thanks to smooth, your recent posts have been very stimulating.
true, this won't be for everyone.
but i think these companies could be building their own virtuous cycles on top of Bitcoin which could cause the next bull run in price. if so, how would that affect the developing country person's decision making? pay full price for an ordinary water heater, or almost free for one with a Bitcoin miner built in?
Having though through the business opportunity, you would give free installation, and subsidize their electricity, if you really wanted to disrupt and make bitcoin boom, you would pick places where there is big government subsidizing of electricity. (Thinking Argentina or Venezuela,) and in effect you would export the subsidized electricity and sell some bitcoin into that market to pay for the electricity, it's a win win or all. :-)
you know what i'll do?
buy a few extra batteries, keep them rotating thru charges free at work, while keeping the phone constantly mining at full capacity.
I'll raise you, and out bid your phone and get into the home business of making yogurt or drying paint or making candles with the extra heat.
And i will be using a spare Kw or so, via the combustion engine, on my way to work/at work/travelling etc.