Blocksize debate blowing up all over
/r/Bitcoin right now, though it's mostly pro-increase.
what strikes me most about /nullc and LukeJr objections are that they revolve around incorrect perceptions of what the Bitcoin market looks like today. for instance, /nullc believes that mining is centralizing. i don't; look at the pie charts from mempool:
the distribution of miners has improved (decentralized) markedly since the ghash event. i've regularly documented that improvement over the years and believe we may have in fact witnessed the very last time any pool gets anywhere near 50%. i've argued using game theory and it appears to have been prescient.
also, he believes that the decrease in full nodes "creates huge systemic risk and undermines Bitcoin's value proposition". give me a break; the decrease in nodes yes might be due partly to node dropout but i think it is mainly due to the proliferation of SPV clients. furthermore, i was initially a part of the Bitnodes Incentive Program and was one of it's first payment recipients, however, due to the fact they require re-registration every month, i've dropped out. it's too much of a hassle and involves relatively complex code to re-register while the payout is trivial. but i still run my nodes and as i've said before, i'm actually looking forward to learning how to prune so i can run a dozen more nodes or so.
and what does he mean by this? "This is especially concerning as we've seen the deployment of full nodes fade out and even large commercial operations become dependant on third party hosted node services." what's he talking about and where's the evidence?
and then he points to Kaminsky as some kind of prophet?: "it should be noted that this outcome was already predicted years ago (e.g. by Dan Kaminsky's comments that I was writing about above), but we've still slid into it." what sticks in my mind is the lost bet btwn Garzik and Kaminsky when DK predicted Bitcoin's underlying Proof-of-Work hash function (Sha-2) would be replaced within 12 months: There haven't been any more famous tech experts who have been more wrong about Bitcoin. even DK admits it now.
and then he points to Todd and MPOE as worthy colleagues against increased block sizes: "Rather, the only push you see against larger blocks come from strong advocates of personal autonomy and decenteralization, like Peter Todd; or the MPOE crowd". aligning one's self with these 2 is even more dangerous than Kaminsky.
he's always been almost bearish on Bitcoin; for years. he's always said mining is centralizing despite the facts. he's been a fan of Ripple in the past here:'ll notice in the link below he admits to going back and deleting his posts of support for Ripple in the past. who does that? own up to it, don't try to cover it up.
here's all his concerns highlighted in gory detail