there's going to be thousands of these sidecoins created, just like we've seen with TC. for the first time ever, altcoins have an easy avenue to attract BTC thru the peg at no cost and apparently no risk.
No no no. How can you still say this!? Altcoins can not claim the "risk free put" feature. Either they are altcoin or scBTC. Anyone will be able to verify if the peg is effectively 1:1, it doesn't matter what the coin promoter advertises.
Advertising that you can switch between BTC & TC freely is no indication that the peg is 1:1. It is merely a decentralized exchange process between an altcoin and BTC. This feature alone is not enough to fuel demand for a particular altcoins.
the advertising will be compelling enough to attract users like keystroke. you'll see claims like "Truthcoin: Sidechain Enabled", "The New Bitcoin", "Ethereum, Bitshares, CP all wrapped up into One", "The New Bitcoin 2.0". it's all there:
So again your argument is a more elaborate scam scheme leveraging the "sidechain" brand and using an altcoin will lead to the demise of Bitcoin? You do realize such deceptive schemes can only work so much until the community of fools in general is better advised and has learn from their foolish mistake?
The honeybadger doesn't care about petty criminal schemes. The market, with time, punishes bad actors and create trusted communities around good ones. Good money drives out bad money. Your altscams are in no way a significant threat to Bitcoin. They only threaten idiots and greedy, ill-advised investors.
SCs are disrupting the mining equilibrium by opening other channels for revenue. once users like keystroke start using TC, speculation will guarantee some mining for sure just like altcoins attract mining today. you can't say that won't happen. you guys have been wrong before and you'll be wrong again. unprofitable Bitcoin miners will defect to speculate on becoming early adopters of TC for block rewards (like when Bitcoin blocks were 50 BTC each) and to collect tx fees from scBTC and TC. it won't matter if there is a 1:1 peg. if TC becomes popular enough they could attract MM out of greed. if this plays out significantly over time, this is where the dooglus scenario would come in grinding down overall network security. there are going to be thousands/billions of these, if you believe Odalv. they won't all fail.
this is the danger for Bitcoin; that it gets converted to an inflationary derivative violating its initial tenet of Sound Money all facilitated by SC's.
Spectacularly wrong, again. Yes, speculation might guarantee
SOME mining. Unfortunately
SOME mining makes your stupid TC considerably less secure than the BTC blockchain. A situation already observable with conventional altcoins.
So now we have two reasons why the market should and will avoid your scamcoin :
1. Inherently less secure
2. Proposes a scammy altcoin as its monetary unit instead of using the safer 1:1 peg
Remember that no matter the feature your scamcoin will claim, there will be one created exactly the same BUT attracting more users because of its safer, more risk-averse 1:1 peg.
Unprofitable Bitcoin miners can defect to speculate on becoming early adopter of ALTCOIN for block rewards
ALREADY. Sidechains do not enable this possibility nor do they come with better equipped altcoins.
If TC becomes popular enough = if ALTcoin becomes popular enough. History shows this is not likely to happen significantly enought to endanger Bitcoin's leading position. It does not matter how many are created, the majority of them will be as irrelevant and insignificant to BTC's value than any other alts.
It seems you are still unable to answer these questions with clear arguments void of distraction and fallacious assumptions :
What you need to answer is why has Namecoin been the only altcoin that has been MM on top of Bitcoin? What incentives were missing for the miners to mine other coins?
What additional incentive is there now that we have the scenario of sidechains?