Be A Coin Representative
Came across this and thought I'd post it in case there are some people in the community that would be interested.
If so, would we want to internally determine who would represent the GoldCoin Community? are looking for coin representatives (not a paid writing position). See more detailed information below.
At some coins like ANONCOIN, BITCOIN, DARKCOIN, DOGECOIN, LITECOIN, NXT, PEERCOIN and others already have some articles posted. There is currently nothing under GOLDCOIN.
Is anyone interested?
Be A Coin Representative! Join Us Today!
We have recently tweeted, posted on various subreddits, and spread the idea behind our Coin Representative project through other channels. The reception has been positive thus far, and we have had quite a few members of the digital currency communities join in. However, we still have room for many more representatives, and so will be streamlining the process to become a representative for your digital currency.
What is a Coin Representative?
A Coin Representative is an active member of any digital currency community that is given the ability to write articles about what makes their community, or currency, worthwhile. Technical analysis, updates, general information, or anything else that is relevant to the digital currency being represented is absolutely fine, as long as it is well written, and follows our rules and guidelines.
Coin Representatives are important, as the number of digital currencies is growing at an incredible rate, and it is impossible for us to adequately cover them all. There is not enough time for Coin Brief’s staff to research each currency in great enough depth to accurately, and effectively, cover their developments. This is unfair to currencies that we overlook, so we created the Coin Representative program to fill in the gaps for currencies that have a community with individuals that are actively supporting their coin\network.
How to Join Us, and Become a Coin Representative Today
If you are an active member of your coin’s community, and would like to write about the currency and\or community, then please send an email to
[email protected] with the subject “I Want To Represent _____” (with the _____ replaced with the currency you would like to represent).
In this email, make sure to include the following information:
Your Coin Brief username
Your username for Reddit, Bitcointalk, Coin Specific Forums, Twitter, or wherever you are most active in your currency’s community, and be prepared to prove your ownership of that account.
A brief description of yourself, and why you would be a good representative from your community.
Once we receive this, we will review your history in the community you wish to represent. If you are an active member, or have active members that will vouch for you, we will reach out to the username provided to verify the relationship between the email we have received and your username in the community.
If the conditions above are satisfied, your Coin Brief account will be upgraded, and you can get started by following the instructions on our “Coin Representative resources” page.
On a side note, if any communities would like to internally determine who will represent them, and use a more formal process to determine this, please contact us and let us know. If it is truly the will of your community, and has a significant amount of support, we will work with that.
Coin Brief is being developed to not only be a source of information that we choose, but also to provide an outlet for people to be truly heard. We are dedicated to the idea of listening to our users, and letting them determine the future direction of our systems, services, and programs.