Sorry if I came off as just being mean for the sake of it; that wasn't my intention. I just don't like to see people wasting their time.
I don't think you're some kind of evil extortionist or scam artist, I just didn't want people to fall into the trap of seeing a level-based rewards system and thinking "awesome, I can just grind for a few hours a day and make $$$". Getting to level 10, at which point you'll have earned approximately two dollars, takes hours of clicking, and the game is deliberately excruciatingly slowly paced - unless you put real money into playing, you're looking at a cycle of giving orders, doing something else for three hours, then making sure you come back to give more orders exactly two hours later for like six weeks to make two bucks.
Once again, I'm sure you will deliver on your pledges, and I'm not even saying that you need to increase them. I'm just trying to warn people who see this as an opportunity for easy money that they'll be "working" for maybe 5 cents an hour. In my opinion, it's not worth it.
Like I said in my last post, if you're just interested in the game and want to play, then go ahead, I'm not stopping you. I wouldn't want to see you waste your time persevering with this frankly montonous game for six weeks to earn $2, if you're not actually enjoying it, is all.
Thanks for the clarification, dude, and I apologize for jumping on your case. I just was having trouble wrapping my mind around someone complaining about the fact that I'm giving away money at all.
I totally agree with you, though, and it is certainly a tough grind for very little return if you are just looking at it in terms of my rewards. I haven't been playing the game long enough to realize any profits, but I feel like it may be possible if you build up a solid group of active referral players, and the reward will ultimately come second to what could possibly be made in the game.
I haven't really come up with a solid plan yet, but looking at the market for referral accounts I do see that some are selling for quite a high price, and I see this as a potential avenue for profit in the game. If I were to go down the route of selling referrals (and this wouldn't happen for quite some time) I would definitely give some kickback to the players who made that possible.
So...what I am trying to say is this: stick around, cause the best may be yet to come :-)