3. Single bet or double is the way to go, sometimes a triple. But not more as paralay. It's always at least one favorite team that won't win that day and normally when we "guess" we often has wrong at least once.
(I would never go under 1.65x in odds for a single-bet, If I play a double each game can be like 1.50 odd or more, if you think a team will win big, go with for example -1.5 to increase the odds.
In the end don't place a bet because of the odds, play it because of your own research.
I am a newb as a gambler and still trying to find right way for me. So i am definitely thankful for any experienced sport gambler giving tips.
But my first question would be: Your first and second advices made sense to me, but i might have done it with too low odds. So can you explain how did you come by with this number ("never go under 1.65x")?
Wouldn't it make more sense to be patient and play with lower odds if they are considered to be safe bets? Or what i am missing here?
4. If you have hard to pick a winner in a game, even tho you made a good research don't be afraid to go for a over/under goals bet at that game instead.
If it's two teams that normally do a lot of goals and the odds allow you go for over 2.5 or even 3.5... or if it two tight teams, you can go for under 2.5. (over/under 2.5 is the normal number to look after)
5. Understand the difference between home and away advance in the odds. a team that would have 1.20 odd or 1.30 odd home against the same team they play away, but away they got like 1.60 odd-1.70 odd
Can be a good bet! But don't need to be. Still research is the way to go. But it's a got hint.
6. Have patience, for example: if you place a bet 20:00 a evening and it all games is done around 00:00 and you winning, don't be greedy and place your earnings on some live game asap you don't have any information about, wait to the next day, make your research again and then place the next bet.
7. Try to "play for free" as much as possible. Example: if you make a bet and put $20 on it and you win and you win up to example $50. Then I would still continue for another round, if that also turns out as winning and I then got $100-$150. I will cash out a part of the money and then continue, then the pressure is gone and if you lose it wont hurt as much.
Now these were interestin tips that most of them sports noob like me i hadn't thought about, at least not in this way. I definitely will keep these in mind and hope i can utilize them.
Rest of your tips are good, but they are also obvious. Or at least they should be obvious for any gambler who want's to be safe and act like responsible adult.
Any how. This is a good thread. Thank you for making it.
Hi and thanks for finding my thread and glad you like it.
Answer to: But my first question would be: Your first and second advices made sense to me, but i might have done it with too low odds. So can you explain how did you come by with this number ("never go under 1.65 odd")?
Wouldn't it make more sense to be patient and play with lower odds if they are considered to be safe bets? Or what i am missing here?
I will change some text in the guide soon to make some thing more clearer and good you ask this. For me it's no such thing as a
"safe bet" but I understand the point you want to make so I try to help you.
If you made a good research and you feel you find a safe bet with lower odds whatever it is, if it fits you. You should go. Always make a decision based on your own research and information.
For me personal it's not worth to make a single bet if the odds is under 1.65 odd. Sometimes I can still do it, it's very rare.
But mostly I try to find two good games and play a double (Paralay) I never stare blind on the odds, but often the odds is between 1.45 odd and 2.10 odd.
Glad you are into sports betting and good luck in your journey, if it's any more questions just ask.
I can show you an example how a Single Bet may look like for me: I made a research and my own analyze.
Started this time with $33 and now to $66 almost. Now I will look again. Got one interesting game tonight already bet wise in. Torino FC - Atalanta. But if I don't find anything satisfying today I just wait until I do.
What's my cash out number? It very depends. But often around $450 + these days.