It's Google, it's a private company. You're all crying to leftists who want to take away your freedom but here it's just Google using its freedom as a company.
And they have the right to censor any site they want for any reason they might have.
A company that has a monopoly and misuses it can be broken up. This happened to Standard Oil and AT&T.
You realize you are talking about a free search engine?
One of hundreds of free search engines?
The problem is the majority of retarded people on this planet. If breathing oxygen wouldnt be a reflex they would forget to do it.
Nobody forces you to use google. Just use a different free search engine.
Problem solved and you are even hurting evil google economically.
Win-win situation.
Doesn't change anything.
People are too dumb.
They got the choice to use engines like Lilo which are free, give the same results as google but gives half of its profits to ONG
But nooooooooooooo better use the search engine of this fatty company creating more and more monopoly.