
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 63. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Iowa Poll Rand 2nd 15%

Walker 16%
Paul 15%
Huck 13%
Carson 10%
Bush 9%
Cruz 6%
Christie 6%
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul at the 2015 Reagan Dinner in Dallas County, Texas last night

From the camera guy: The dinner itself was very energetic, more than 600 supporters and party loyalists attended the dinner. The reception that Rand received was especially interesting to witness, and it was great that the news regarding Munisteri came right before the trip

Some pics:

Plus another ~120 pics -
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

DALLAS, Texas — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—a former U.S. Senator from New York, the former First Lady of the United States, and the Democrats’ likely frontrunner and nominee in 2016—is “yesterday’s news.”

Breitbart News asked Paul—flanked by the new addition to his campaign team, Texas GOP chairman Steve Munisteri—for his thoughts on Mitt Romney bowing out of the 2016 GOP presidential contest at the Friday evening press conference held at the Renaissance Hotel.

“I supported and campaigned for him when he won the nomination in the fall,” Paul said of Romney. “I think he’s a great man personally, a great businessman, I think he would have run this country a lot better than this president. But he didn’t get enough electoral votes. I think what it’s going to take is something reaching beyond. There’s nothing that I’m saying is wrong, but it’s just got to be that plus something if we’re going to win a big election. I wish him well, and he’s somebody who I met several times and I have a great deal of respect for him and his wife.”


There's also a short news video there discussing how Rand is now on top in NH now that Romney is out.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul slams Bush 'hypocrisy' on pot

DALLAS — Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) accused Jeb Bush of hypocrisy after The Boston Globe reported the former Florida governor was a heavy marijuana smoker while at an elite prep school.

Bush opposed a Florida medical marijuana ballot initiative last year even though he partook liberally of the herb while in high school.

“You would think he’d have a little more understanding then,” Paul told The Hill while en route to a political event in Texas.

“He was even opposed to medical marijuana,” Paul said of Bush, a potential rival in the 2016 Republican presidential primary. “This is a guy who now admits he smoked marijuana but he wants to put people in jail who do.

“I think that’s the real hypocrisy, is that people on our side, which include a lot of people, who made mistakes growing up, admit their mistakes but now still want to put people in jail for that,” he said.

“Had he been caught at Andover, he’d have never been governor, he’d probably never have a chance to run for the presidency,” he added.

Bush told The Globe in a recent interview about his four years at Phillips Academy in Andover, one of the nation’s most prestigious prep schools, “I drank and I smoked marijuana when I was at Andover,” explaining the behavior was “pretty common.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Is Lindsey Graham running for president to troll Rand Paul?

Graham seemingly has no chance of winning the GOP nomination. The conservative base despises him (he is nicknamed "Lindsey Grahamnesty" for his support of immigration reform) and there seems to be little establishment enthusiasm for him apart from his good friend Sen. John McCain, who's been egging on the man he calls his "illegitimate son" to run for months.

So it seems quite possible that the main purpose of a Graham campaign isn't to win — but to troll Rand Paul.

Okay, the word "trolling" is uncharitable — Graham has serious substantive differences of opinion with Paul on foreign policy. Graham and McCain are now, effectively, the leaders of the GOP's interventionist wing. They've pushed for more hawkish policies in Syria and Iraq, and called for a tougher line against Putin's Russia.

But Paul is making the case that the GOP needs to rethink its recent support for interventionism. In a speech last October, Paul went at the party's foreign policy consensus "with a battering ram," as Zack Beauchamp wrote. He wants more restraint generally, less military interventionism overseas, and argues that the hawkish policies pushed by McCain and Graham are often counterproductive.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Romney confirms he's out for 2016. Interesting to see what that will do to the numbers.
Yep, looks like the establishment wants Jeb Bush as their guy (and don't want to split the vote and resources) and to line up another Clinton/Bush election where nothing will change unless we can get Rand in there.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
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Fox News Poll: Voters believe Romney, Clinton remain top picks for 2016, Obama not tough enough on Iran
25-27 Jan 15
Romney   21%
Paul         11%
Huckabee 11%
Bush        10%
Carson       9%
Walker       8%
Rubio         5%
Christie      4%
Cruz           4%

They also have numbers w/o Romney plus many other questions that were asked.

Romney confirms he's out for 2016. Interesting to see what that will do to the numbers.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
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David Letterman: Rand Paul Makes 'Pure Good Sense'; Maddow Kind of Agrees

Late night talk show host David Letterman had nothing but positive things to say about possible 2016 presidential candidate Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

During a conversation with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Wednesday about the 2016 race, the comedian said he was impressed by the libertarian Republican, according to The Daily Caller.

"I've heard Rand Paul say things that seem just pure, hardcore, logical good sense," Letterman said on his "Late Show" on CBS.

Maddow was cautious in her agreement.

"Rand Paul sometimes makes a lot of sense," she said, but emphasized, "sometimes."


I like the "Maddow Kind of Agrees."  Haha.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Texas GOP chief leaves role, joins Rand Paul political team

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Rand Paul on Thursday picked up the backing of the Republican Party of Texas' chairman, who is stepping down from his role to take a position as a national senior adviser to the Kentucky Republican's presidential campaign-in-waiting

In doing so, Steve Munisteri bypassed two Texans who are also likely to seek the Republican nomination: Sen. Ted Cruz and former Gov. Rick Perry. Munisteri has known Paul for 34 years, dating back to when Paul's father represented Texas in Congress, and counts Paul as a friend.

"I couldn't say no to him," said Munisteri, who will formally leave his post next month and will split his time between Texas and Washington.

Munisteri will be tasked with helping Paul fine-tune his communications strategy, as well as help guide Paul's ongoing effort to appeal to minority and youngers voters, who typically vote for Democrats.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Fox News Poll: Voters believe Romney, Clinton remain top picks for 2016, Obama not tough enough on Iran
25-27 Jan 15
Romney   21%
Paul         11%
Huckabee 11%
Bush        10%
Carson       9%
Walker       8%
Rubio         5%
Christie      4%
Cruz           4%

They also have numbers w/o Romney plus many other questions that were asked.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's Dream of a Libertarian-Democratic Alliance on Civil Rights Is Actually Happening

On the morning before attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch would face Congress, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul re-introduced a bill that would tie her hands. Paul and a crew of congressmen—Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison, Michigan Representative Tim Walberg—had resurrected the Fifth Amendment Integrity Act. If passed, it would restrict the government’s ability, from the Department of Justice on down to local cops, to seize property from criminal suspects.

“We’ve had protests across our country, and people think it’s about one or two instances,” Paul said from the rostrum. “No. It’s one thing after another. Let’s say you’ve got a poor family in a neighborhood in a big city, and grandmother owns the house. The 15-year old son is selling marijuana. They catch him. They take the house! The house was the only stabilizing thing in a family that was having trouble.”

Ellison, a black Democrat who was the first Muslim elected to Congress, stood by Paul as he summoned the ghosts of the Civil Rights movement.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul ‘secret tape’ dings Jeb, Hillary on d\Dynasty

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), the 2016 field’s most prolific adopter of social media, has posted what aides wryly call a “secret tape” of a fake phone call between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton.

RAND PAC, Paul’s political organization, used actors to portray the conversation, which hits both rivals on the dynasty issue.

“Bush” tells her he’s thinking about running for president: “I just wanted to call and give you a heads-up in hopes we could work something out.”

“Clinton” says: “We both agree on so many issues: bigger government, Common Core, and amnesty for illegal immigrants.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
David Letterman: Rand Paul Makes 'Pure Good Sense'; Maddow Kind of Agrees

Late night talk show host David Letterman had nothing but positive things to say about possible 2016 presidential candidate Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

During a conversation with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow on Wednesday about the 2016 race, the comedian said he was impressed by the libertarian Republican, according to The Daily Caller.

"I've heard Rand Paul say things that seem just pure, hardcore, logical good sense," Letterman said on his "Late Show" on CBS.

Maddow was cautious in her agreement.

"Rand Paul sometimes makes a lot of sense," she said, but emphasized, "sometimes."

Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
A white lie that does nothing but save his supporters from getting their asses kicked and/or arrested for "trespassing" like his dad's were at GOP events.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1115
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Libertarians jeopardize crony corporatism. It's obvious he would come in last, and will not have the votes counted in his favor.

Rand may sometimes pay lip service to libertarianism, but he's on the record as flat out saying he isn't a libertarian. I don't know enough about the Koch brothers, but I'd highly doubt they are libertarian either.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1032
RIP Mommy
Libertarians jeopardize crony corporatism. It's obvious he would come in last, and will not have the votes counted in his favor.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rubio wins Koch Straw Poll; Rand comes in Last
 Roll Eyes
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul – who received the least enthusiastic response from donors during a Sunday night forum of prospective candidates that also featured Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz – finished last in Luntz’s poll, the source told POLITICO.

The poll is by no means a definitive assessment of the feelings of the hundreds of wealthy business leaders who comprise the vaunted network created by billionaire industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch. But it does provide an early glimpse into the leanings of a pool of mega-donors who are being hotly courted by the field of would-be candidates, and whose checkbooks could go a long way towards determining who emerges with the GOP nomination – regardless of whether the Koch network decides to formally back a candidate


Rubio is obviously a placeholder for throwing alleged conservative support to Bush after Rube flames out during the first few contests in the primary. Apparently, the majority of the Kock network aren't libertarians and we'll soon find out if they are themselves. Either that or Rand didn't offer that great of an appearance at the forum.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Paul defends Kochs from 'liberal haters'

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a likely presidential contender, defended billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch from "liberal haters" who won't leave the largely Republican mega-donors alone.

Asked in an interview Tuesday night on Fox Business Network about the Koch brothers potentially bankrolling a liberty-minded Republican presidential candidate, Paul focused his answer on the pair's detractors.

"I think one thing that's important for all the people who bash them to know is that, much of what they do is for the concept and the ideas of free markets and liberty. It has nothing to do with government," Paul said.
"And I defy any of the liberal haters that are out there to find one instance when they have ever asked for a subsidy or a special government break. I have never heard of any and what they're wanting is to be left alone, like most businesses in our country," he said.

Part of the rest is a reminder by Paul that Jeb's brother GWB doubled the size of the Dept of Education...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Obama Behavior Towards Netanyahu ‘Childish’

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) criticized President Obama for being “petulant” and “childish” by refusing to meet with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday’s “On the Record” on the Fox News Channel.

Paul defended House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) extending an invitation to speak before Congress, saying “we are a co-equal branch of government, and the speaker’s in charge of inviting folks to speak, it’s only usually given to leaders, heads of state. Benjamin Netanyahu’s been here before. I can’t understand why it would be a controversy, other than maybe the president’s acting a little bit petulant over this because he wasn’t consulted.

But it almost looks a little bit childish to me that he’s going to make a big stink over ‘oh, now I won’t even meet with an ally, who’s the head of state of an ally when he comes to Washington because I wasn’t consulted.'” And “Israel’s an important ally, I don’t understand why he would refuse to meet with him other than just sort of being, like I say, petulant or childish about not being consulted.”

Video and more...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
(Business Insider) Here's Why Rand Paul Might Be The 'Frontrunner' In The 2016 GOP Primary

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) thinks Mitt Romney, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) might actually help him win the 2016 GOP presidential primary.

And Paul isn't the only one who thinks this trio of high-powered rivals could give him an edge.

In a recent conversation with Business Insider, a close ally of one of the other candidates went so far as to say the current likely composition of the Republican field gives Paul the best shot at a victory.

"Based on where the primary electorate is right now, if there's a frontrunner in this race from an electoral perspective, it's probably Rand Paul," the source said.

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