Ok.. I understand what you said. What are the specifics? What is the specific scale? How about a range? If you dont want to release this information, thats your right. Just say so. Im ok with that.
I said above, 1-10000 for coinage, but here is the specifics, which can be found here: https://github.com/iGotSpots/Variance/blob/master/src/main.cpp#L838
int64 GetProofOfStakeRewardYear(int nHeight) {
static int64 nBaseCoinYear = 1 * CENT;
static int64 nMultiplier = 100;
static int64 nReward = 4;
if (nHeight < 140000) {
return nBaseCoinYear;
} else {
if (nHeight < 164000) {
nReward = nMultiplier;
} else {
nReward = ((nHeight % 6) + 3);
return nReward * CENT;
// VARY: miner's coin stake is rewarded based on coin age spent (coin-days)
int64 GetProofOfStakeReward(int64 nCoinAge, int nHeight)
int64 nRewardCoinYear = GetProofOfStakeRewardYear(nHeight); // creation amount per coin-year
int64 nSubsidy = (((nHeight % 9) + ((nCoinAge % 10000) * 33 / (365 * 33 + 8))) + 1) * nRewardCoinYear;
if (fDebug && GetBoolArg("-printcreation"))
printf("GetProofOfStakeReward(): create=%s nCoinAge=%"PRI64d"\n", FormatMoney(nSubsidy).c_str(), nCoinAge);
return nSubsidy;
The top is where the multiplier is decided and the bottom under the // VARY line is where the actual reward calculation has coinage scaled down