Screw it, why not... really want to be able to do this and it has to be possible in some respect since IGS brought it up but can't seem to clarify in the way he originally meant.
Snippet: You can auto-launch with walletpassphrase
50 bucks to the FIRST correct solution to the linked post in this thread ! have to put the RPC config in your conf file:
Then you make your call using curl like this:
curl --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "walletpassphrase", "params": ["
", 99999, true] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;' http://
Please send them to this stealth address:
Edit: And double Gracias because I learned something new today
Edit2: ["
", 99999, true]
99999 : timeout
true : for staking only
Probably shoulda mentioned this is on a windows machine but I can't get this to work even using a batch file. Might just have to give up on this little endeavor.
You start the wallet and AFTER the wallet is running you execute the curl command. You do have to install curl on windows. And create a scheduled task to run after boot. Give a little time like 5 mins. And that should do it.
Edit: And obviously, if you have more than one wallet running , your RPC port should be different for each wallet.
Still haven't tried it yet, or know if I will even end up using it if I do try and get it to work as I'm looking at diff ideas. One of which involves a Linux install to which I keep trying to find out from IGS if we will get one.
That being said... regardless of whether it does or doesn't work, I went ahead and sent the 50.
Status: 0/unconfirmed, broadcast through 2 node(s)
Date: 7/3/2015 07:49
To: BEknV7Y8v1Qt62PEKfw3F462nwgdRnqsAm
Debit: -50.00 BUCKS
Debit: -0.00000001 BUCKS
Transaction fee: -0.01 BUCKS
Net amount: -50.01000001 BUCKS
Transaction ID: ec8605268b29cdcb895dd9113546d0c6f42b4013d36fbb0f0fc0ba2288373704-000