Maybe I missed the info, is it safe to assume that the swap will be done through Gorilla.Exchange?
No. I will do this one manually, which means there will be no hard cutoff date to trade coins. You simply need to make sure they are off exchange and in your local wallet prior to the blockchain snapshots
You will be required to provide me either your wallet.dat or private keys for the old chains and an address on the new one
How are you going to send coins to a wallet on a snapshot blockchain? The second a new block is found after the swap time, you will continue on the chain while mine is paused
The ratio will be calculated at this time. Letting people send to me would duck everything up since they will have more coins than when snapshot was taken
So what is it exactly, a "pause" of sorts ?
But like I said, was asking just to say that I asked if that makes sense lol.
It means I will halt my copy of the blockchain at the proper time and will not download new blocks past that one
What your wallets balance is on x block is what you will be credited with. Any transactions after this time WILL NOT appear on my client