Nefario Ill email you everything I can recall if you would like.
I want someone from NY to go to the S.E.C office and have the person video tape the convo. Cause I am not buying this, it smells of weak facts and just good old FUD. Plus your a clown anyway so I take what you say with a grain of salt. I will be calling myself, with my lawyer.
Call then come back and tell us
Read the whole post as well other people have called, and people have been mailing me that called as well.
I will never say sorry, cause your still a clown, and I don't care what other people say, half these people aren't even in the States so I don't care about them.
Plus I don't believe the S.E.C can do anything about this since they don't deal with any other currency, plus there are ponzi schemes that worth 100's of millions that they are investigating, I doubt a little one like this is really going to show up on their radar. Anyway to get pirate in jail, you need to attack using the IRS.
show me a case that they dealt with ponzi schemes in other currencies? They only deal with the USD. Read about it