Also.... I hate to tell you this... but you should kinda flatten and reinstall your Mac what with this happening
I'm having a strange problem where any random program I have open will suddenly jump to 100% + CPU in activity monitor making the CPU temps jump from ~55C to 80 or 90C.
Are you being serious? Or just an asshole?
I'm pretty serious. Sounds to me like you may have a malware infection. The 100% thing is not normal and I have ever only seen it with crappily programmed malware.
Well sorry for my anger then. Seemed fairly sarcastic. Well as far as that problem goes I found reseting the Quick Look client's generator cache with qlmanage -r seems to at least stop it when it does occur.
I also did these steps:
Temporarily delete Movie.qlgenerator, Audio.qlgenerator, or other qlgenerator bundles in /System/Library/QuickLook, and run qlmanage -r.
Temporarily remove applications shown by qlmanage -p | grep /Applications/.
Disable quicklookd with launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchAgents/*. The plists are loaded again after you log out and back in.
I found the problem wasn't with the quick look client alone though, the Bitcoin client even acted the same way. I will take your advice thanks!