
Topic: Government document instructs vaccine “strike force” teams how to... (Read 278 times)

hero member
Activity: 1459
Merit: 973
....meanwhile in France and Ireland "papers please" Cool

Vaccine and lockdown regime collaborators are responsible for the loss of your liberty and give power to tyrants. Blue lodge macaroni would have faced ze guillotine back in the good old days  Grin

 “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

~President Ronald Reagan
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ If f1 knows anything at all, it's how to provide so very few links to most of what he says. Why? Because he knows that people are too busy to look up what he says, themselves. And when they don't, they will never find out how deceptive he is, even if they don't believe him.

Providing links that are inaccurate is no more accurate than not providing a link. You have linked natural news which are known for their peer reviewed studies and credible news stories. I have never seen you link a credible study or article its always from second fiddle websites claiming to be news sites.

Credible news stories? Credible studies? Peer reviewed?

It took Big Pharma and the medical leaders decades to train their twisted schemes into average doctors and medical personnel. Average doctors often can't even think regarding what makes sense.

For example. Isolating a virus used to be like the word says, isolating it... from the rest of the junk that is around it. Now they think they have isolated a virus by sticking pieces together until they have built something that they call the virus.

Then they think they have it, without even testing to see if it can make anyone sick.

Find something credible. It isn't to be found in the medical.

sr. member
Activity: 363
Merit: 323
Infographics save lives
^^^ If f1 knows anything at all, it's how to provide so very few links to most of what he says. Why? Because he knows that people are too busy to look up what he says, themselves. And when they don't, they will never find out how deceptive he is, even if they don't believe him.

Providing links that are inaccurate is no more accurate than not providing a link. You have linked natural news which are known for their peer reviewed studies and credible news stories. I have never seen you link a credible study or article its always from second fiddle websites claiming to be news sites.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Some of you Christians
Where did you get the idea that I'm a Christian? That's hilarious! Grin

I didn't.  It's pretty obvious that you are not.

What you are is not abundantly clear, but to be sure your values seem quite out-of-band with 'Christian values' (e.g., being truthful, ethical, negative about genocide, etc.)  Seems that Christ was not big into bloodlines, genocide, etc, and it cost him his life at the hands other Abrahamics where were more cool with that sort of thing...and making some good cash with their money-changing games.

Just FYI, the dashed line indicated a different subject and a different audience.  The content apparently didn't tip you off.

Activity: 3654
Merit: 8909
Where did you get the idea that I'm a Christian? That's hilarious! Grin

On the intertubes everyone is a white Christian male by default. Learned that the hard way in the 1990s.

Back on topic. I can't wait for the strike force to show up at my door. I have cookies and cold lemonade and thinking of setting up USB charge ports.

But the sad part is that BADeckers bullshit, even the parts that are really cool and exciting, is still bullshit and never comes true.

Welp, more cookies for me.
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
The 'in other words' clause shows that I was explaining more clearly a prediction of mine.
Well, I prefer debating intention and inference to debating the absolute nonsense that started this thread, so I suppose we've achieved something.

I don't know if English is a second language for you or what
Hey, I'm not the one whose posts are filled with amateurish spelling and punctuation blunders.

Some of you Christians
Where did you get the idea that I'm a Christian? That's hilarious! Grin
God is a fiction and an anachronism, a mechanism of social control and for building tribal cohesion, an invisible policeman to ensure good behaviour.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276

I'm surprised you're wanting to argue this, given that your full post is available above, for everyone to read.
Nevertheless, here's your full post, again (my bold):

The genetic modifications are making the participants 'Round-Up Ready' one might say (or argue in court...closed court for national security reasons.)

Someone is welcome to show where the courts reversed the interpretation that engineer genes are NOT patent-able in the case of GMO technology inserted into human beings.  I doubt that they can.  Beyond that, when it is adjudicated I doubt that the courts will reverse the previous rulings.  In other words, everyone who's got foriegn genes designed in pharma labs WILL be ruled as at least partially the property of the patent holders.  If one has been turned into a GMO against their will it becomes more complicated.  Monsanto (now Bayer...formerly IG Farben of nazi fame) dropped the suite claiming ownership of a crop that had been genetically contaminated against the farmer's will/wishes because they didn't want to lose and have it become case law.  That was a while ago, however, and you can take it to the bank that the lobbyists who write U.S. law have inserted a ton of Easter-eggs since that time.

To which 'I doubt that' are you referring? The first instance, where you doubt that anyone can show where the courts reversed their decision? Or the second instance, where you doubt that, when it is adjudicated, courts will reverse the previous rulings?

You are of course perfectly entitled to backtrack and to change your opinion, and to say that you didn't mean what you said... but please don't try to dress it up as someone willfully misinterpreting you.

Let me break it down for you:

 - The courts say that organisms running on patented genes are in at least property of the patent holder of those genes.

 - Will the courts reverse this ruling when the organism happens to be a human being?

 - I doubt it.

 - In other words, the courts WILL rule that it doesn't matter that the GMO is (or was) a human being.  Patent laws applies as 'normal'.

The 'in other words' clause shows that I was explaining more clearly a prediction of mine.

This is pretty basic English.  I don't know if English is a second language for you or what.  If it is, that is extra reason to be careful about editing other people's writing and taking it out of context.  Likewise if you are simply not very literate.


It's worth note that in some religions, and certain interpretations of some religions, there is nothing objectionable whatsoever about one tribe of people owning other human beings.  God chose certain people to rule over other people.  Only a certain tribe received 'the spark'.  Historically these people have been slave traders, human traffickers, etc.  Lately organ traffic has become more of a thing because there is good money in it (the medical/industrial complex and medical expenses being what they are.)

Some of you Christians might be having a bit of cognitive dissonance over the idea that patent holders might own trans-humans.  Just note that to others the concept would be as natural as a tree.  ...'and thems that own the gold makes the rules' according to the 'golden rule.'

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
everyone who's got foriegn genes designed in pharma labs WILL be ruled as at least partially the property of the patent holders.
I can see what you're aiming for, but this is quite a leap of logic, and doesn't merit the absolute certainty of an all-caps 'WILL'. And, given the impossibility of an mRNA vaccine altering someone's genes, it has no bearing on the CV19 vaccine discussion.

Up to your old tricks again;  snipping out context to make it appear that someone said something that they did not.  Namely me.
It's simply more efficient and more readable to take the relevant part of the post rather than quote the whole thing every time. There's no intention here to divest your statement of context... but it stands by itself, surely? I don't see the problem here.

The operative context which you edited out was "I doubt that...".  This is very far from 'an absolute certainty'.

I only bother to mention it here for the benefit of others who might not have notice that you are very nearly a one-trick-pony, and editing other peoples words in order to take things out of context is your one main trick.  Various related and equally deceitful tricks compose most of the rest.  Science, inference, logic, etc are notably AWOL.  But, 'when all you have is a hammer...'

I'm surprised you're wanting to argue this, given that your full post is available above, for everyone to read.
Nevertheless, here's your full post, again (my bold):

The genetic modifications are making the participants 'Round-Up Ready' one might say (or argue in court...closed court for national security reasons.)

Someone is welcome to show where the courts reversed the interpretation that engineer genes are NOT patent-able in the case of GMO technology inserted into human beings.  I doubt that they can.  Beyond that, when it is adjudicated I doubt that the courts will reverse the previous rulings.  In other words, everyone who's got foriegn genes designed in pharma labs WILL be ruled as at least partially the property of the patent holders.  If one has been turned into a GMO against their will it becomes more complicated.  Monsanto (now Bayer...formerly IG Farben of nazi fame) dropped the suite claiming ownership of a crop that had been genetically contaminated against the farmer's will/wishes because they didn't want to lose and have it become case law.  That was a while ago, however, and you can take it to the bank that the lobbyists who write U.S. law have inserted a ton of Easter-eggs since that time.

To which 'I doubt that' are you referring? The first instance, where you doubt that anyone can show where the courts reversed their decision? Or the second instance, where you doubt that, when it is adjudicated, courts will reverse the previous rulings?

You are of course perfectly entitled to backtrack and to change your opinion, and to say that you didn't mean what you said... but please don't try to dress it up as someone willfully misinterpreting you.
hero member
Activity: 1459
Merit: 973
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
everyone who's got foriegn genes designed in pharma labs WILL be ruled as at least partially the property of the patent holders.
I can see what you're aiming for, but this is quite a leap of logic, and doesn't merit the absolute certainty of an all-caps 'WILL'. And, given the impossibility of an mRNA vaccine altering someone's genes, it has no bearing on the CV19 vaccine discussion.

Up to your old tricks again;  snipping out context to make it appear that someone said something that they did not.  Namely me.
It's simply more efficient and more readable to take the relevant part of the post rather than quote the whole thing every time. There's no intention here to divest your statement of context... but it stands by itself, surely? I don't see the problem here.

The operative context which you edited out was "I doubt that...".  This is very far from 'an absolute certainty'.

I only bother to mention it here for the benefit of others who might not have notice that you are very nearly a one-trick-pony, and editing other peoples words in order to take things out of context is your one main trick.  Various related and equally deceitful tricks compose most of the rest.  Science, inference, logic, etc are notably AWOL.  But, 'when all you have is a hammer...'

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
everyone who's got foriegn genes designed in pharma labs WILL be ruled as at least partially the property of the patent holders.
I can see what you're aiming for, but this is quite a leap of logic, and doesn't merit the absolute certainty of an all-caps 'WILL'. And, given the impossibility of an mRNA vaccine altering someone's genes, it has no bearing on the CV19 vaccine discussion.

Up to your old tricks again;  snipping out context to make it appear that someone said something that they did not.  Namely me.
It's simply more efficient and more readable to take the relevant part of the post rather than quote the whole thing every time. There's no intention here to divest your statement of context... but it stands by itself, surely? I don't see the problem here.

If English is not your strong suite than
If English is not your strong suit, then

Here's your English lesson for the day.
hero member
Activity: 1459
Merit: 973
 Knock knock Grin

The story they ended up with is set in 2024. The world has been ravaged by the latest and deadliest strain of coronavirus, Covid-23, and the government’s system to stop the spread is a lot simpler than anything involving tiers and scotch eggs. Every morning at 9am, you use a mobile phone app to scan yourself for the virus. If you test positive, hazmat-suited goons from the sanitation department break down your door, throw you into a van, and drive you to be quarantined in a high-walled shanty town.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
^^^ If f1 knows anything at all, it's how to provide so very few links to most of what he says. Why? Because he knows that people are too busy to look up what he says, themselves. And when they don't, they will never find out how deceptive he is, even if they don't believe him.

Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
Given that after a year and a billion or so doses, they _still_ cannot quite figure out if 'vaccinated' people can become infected and spread the infection,

funny part is in november 2020.. they actually did reveal how many people on average could become infected and spread it

yep the 94-95% effectiveness is the number you pretend never existed in any study

Wrong again, Bob.  The Chief Medical Officer of Moderna himself (an Israeli named Tal Zaks) said they didn't do the research because they were not given the money to do so.  Even if you do believe the 'effectiveness' numbers from these frauds, all 'effective' means is that it 'reduces mild to moderate symptoms' in x% of people.  It means nothing about whether people even get infected or pass the infection along to others.

This is why anyone who says 'herd immunity' either doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground or is trying to deceive.

if you were to change a human genome by mrna vaccine then the genome can be patented.
Well, then it's lucky that it's impossible for an mRNA vaccine to alter the human genome.

A surprising number of both pathogens and their 'cures' seem to include elements of HIV these days.  Interesting.  HIV is a retro-virus which incorporates RNA gentics back into nuclear DNA because...well...that what retro-viruses do.

seems tvbcof and tash cant tell the difference between what RNA does as oppose to what DNA does

the mRNA does not edit DNA.

Why don't you at least look up retro-virus on wikipedia for Christssake!  First sentence:

  A retrovirus is a type of virus that inserts a copy of its RNA genome[a] into the DNA of a host cell that it invades, thus changing the genome of that cell.[3]

Activity: 4270
Merit: 4534
Given that after a year and a billion or so doses, they _still_ cannot quite figure out if 'vaccinated' people can become infected and spread the infection,

funny part is in november 2020.. they actually did reveal how many people on average could become infected and spread it

yep the 94-95% effectiveness is the number you pretend never existed in any study

if you were to change a human genome by mrna vaccine then the genome can be patented.
Well, then it's lucky that it's impossible for an mRNA vaccine to alter the human genome.

A surprising number of both pathogens and their 'cures' seem to include elements of HIV these days.  Interesting.  HIV is a retro-virus which incorporates RNA gentics back into nuclear DNA because...well...that what retro-viruses do.

seems tvbcof and tash cant tell the difference between what RNA does as oppose to what DNA does

the mRNA does not edit DNA.
the mRNA does not edit the cells natural RNA
the mRNA does not change the cells specific rna to be spike inclusive.
it is a separate script to get the cell to produce a protein as a separate mechanism.
totally different from the cell own RNA sequence and the cell and bodies DNA

as for patents
the mRNA breaks down in 2 days.. you are not in possession for life.. so relax
                does not replicate.. you are not mass producing their mRNA

in those 2 days your body does not mutate itself into their mRNA product.
the mRNA is just an instruction street and ingredient list.
the protein created from this instruction /ingredient list is made from your own nutrients
the protein created from this instruction/ingredient list uses your own 'factory' unedited
you ribosome remains yours
copper member
Activity: 155
Merit: 8
You can not patent human dna, but if you were to change a human genome by mrna vaccine then the genome can be patented.
Anyone who is vaccineted is techically owned and falls under the definition of trans human.
Trans humans do not have access to human rights or any rights provided by the state because not 100% organic human anymore.
Vaccines are patented.

That's some scifi stuff right there. I'm glad I was born with a rare birth defect that left me without DNA. I'm technically classified as a mineral.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
if you were to change a human genome by mrna vaccine then the genome can be patented.
Well, then it's lucky that it's impossible for an mRNA vaccine to alter the human genome.

A surprising number of both pathogens and their 'cures' seem to include elements of HIV these days.  Interesting.  HIV is a retro-virus which incorporates RNA gentics back into nuclear DNA because...well...that what retro-viruses do.

The basis of your assertion about the 'impossible' seems to be that they it is not claimed by the makers that introduction into the DNA is not specifically a design feature.  Given that after a year and a billion or so doses, they _still_ cannot quite figure out if 'vaccinated' people can become infected and spread the infection, it is highly unlikely that there have been any studies at all, much less adequate ones, where the behavior of the mRNA so-called 'vaccine' is impacted by retro-viral co-infections and that sort of thing.

Even one-in-a-billion chance circumstances are enough to invalidate your 'it's impossible' contention, and that is particularly the case when discussing whether organisms which are 'running on' patented genetic material are in a different legal catagory than those which are not.

everyone who's got foriegn genes designed in pharma labs WILL be ruled as at least partially the property of the patent holders.
I can see what you're aiming for, but this is quite a leap of logic, and doesn't merit the absolute certainty of an all-caps 'WILL'. And, given the impossibility of an mRNA vaccine altering someone's genes, it has no bearing on the CV19 vaccine discussion.

Up to your old tricks again;  snipping out context to make it appear that someone said something that they did not.  Namely me.  If English is not your strong suite than you should probably defer on accusing people of saying things, or at least be extra careful about it.

Here's your English lesson for the day.  Repeat after me:  "Oops!  I see what you are saying and it was my bad.  I'm sorry."

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
if you were to change a human genome by mrna vaccine then the genome can be patented.
Well, then it's lucky that it's impossible for an mRNA vaccine to alter the human genome.

Anyone who is vaccineted is techically owned and falls under the definition of trans human.

Someone is welcome to show where the courts reversed the interpretation that engineer genes are NOT patent-able
Yes, if a company designs a gene, they can patent that design. I don't think this is in doubt.

everyone who's got foriegn genes designed in pharma labs WILL be ruled as at least partially the property of the patent holders.
I can see what you're aiming for, but this is quite a leap of logic, and doesn't merit the absolute certainty of an all-caps 'WILL'. And, given the impossibility of an mRNA vaccine altering someone's genes, it has no bearing on the CV19 vaccine discussion.
Activity: 4690
Merit: 1276
You can not patent human dna, but if you were to change a human genome by mrna vaccine then the genome can be patented.
Anyone who is vaccineted is techically owned and falls under the definition of trans human.
Trans humans do not have access to human rights or any rights provided by the state because not 100% organic human anymore.
Vaccines are patented.

The genetic modifications are making the participants 'Round-Up Ready' one might say (or argue in court...closed court for national security reasons.)

Someone is welcome to show where the courts reversed the interpretation that engineer genes are NOT patent-able in the case of GMO technology inserted into human beings.  I doubt that they can.  Beyond that, when it is adjudicated I doubt that the courts will reverse the previous rulings.  In other words, everyone who's got foriegn genes designed in pharma labs WILL be ruled as at least partially the property of the patent holders.  If one has been turned into a GMO against their will it becomes more complicated.  Monsanto (now Bayer...formerly IG Farben of nazi fame) dropped the suite claiming ownership of a crop that had been genetically contaminated against the farmer's will/wishes because they didn't want to lose and have it become case law.  That was a while ago, however, and you can take it to the bank that the lobbyists who write U.S. law have inserted a ton of Easter-eggs since that time.

Activity: 1904
Merit: 1277
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