And we can't do anything about it really. Governments are greedy, they want a share of everything and therefore thy will be trying to snatch some of it from us.
There is a really high chance that we see in the future a lot more government action against bitcoin, including some changes of the core protocol.
Another case is that I think bitcoin is "too good" now for people. So Bitcoin will be changed to bring it in line with other payment systems.
We probably will se some dreadful changes like adding possibility to blacklist funds and and change that will allow to store identity information of users with bitcoin transaction.
Your thoughts?
Yeah true, governments will certainly intervene and try to stop the growth of Bitcoins, they just don't see it has a big threat to go against it head on, though certain small maneuvers are done by them, nothing big has yet come, but when Bitcoin grows very big, they will surely come against it guns blazing, and for a fact they can't do anything about it