
Topic: Government on legalising bitcoins - page 4. (Read 1402 times)

jr. member
Activity: 182
Merit: 1
June 24, 2018, 07:41:41 AM
I do love to see in the future with the law presenting the official acceptance of Bitcoin by the government, but I don't like the thing that the government will have control on Bitcoin in this coming years because I want it to sat decentralized but I do love that every investors has the government protection.
full member
Activity: 854
Merit: 104
June 23, 2018, 11:31:26 AM
In the coming timegovernments will fight bitcoin and will make it illegal since they can not control the block chain and the will lack their authority and big part of their capital
That's a very difficult question. Of course, the state as a whole bitcoin and other crypto currency is not profitable for use. It really can not control it. In addition, a big problem is the greater volatility of the decentralized crypto currency. Most likely, the states will use their centralized crypto currency and will try to shift their attention to it.
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
June 22, 2018, 02:00:44 AM
I strongly think that government should legalise bitcoin, because it may become a great revenue source for the goverment by imposing taxes of more than 30% and it can develop our country in so many ways.
 The majority of countries do not make the usage of bitcoin itself illegal, its status as money (or a commodity) varies, with differing regulatory implications. While some countries have explicitly allowed its use and trade, others have banned or restricted it. Likewise, various government agencies, departments, and courts have classified bitcoins differently. While this article provides the legal status of bitcoin, regulations and bans that apply to this cryptocurrency likely extend to similar systems as well.
Activity: 448
Merit: 20
June 09, 2018, 09:36:43 PM
I think that delays the recognition of currency by governments
Is that they are looking at it from all sides and in particular the impact of this recognition on the banks' work
As well as what is the appropriate form of taxes and size so as not to be exaggerated or cheap
As well as control of this nascent trade in money laundering operations
All these and other things are being carefully studied by governments to provide a full picture of how to deal with this new
full member
Activity: 504
Merit: 100
June 09, 2018, 05:56:27 PM
My country is starting to acknoledge bitcoin. They are conducting some meetings with bitcoin professional from other country. So i think in the near future bitcoin  will be legalize here in my country.
Activity: 159
Merit: 10
June 09, 2018, 05:28:36 PM
it is only politics in this words, nothing more. Many politicians in different countries have businesses and in no law way, so you can think..
Activity: 260
Merit: 10
June 09, 2018, 05:16:04 PM
i think it can be done in near future, but it is big job to creat services, some ATM for bitcoin in markets and on the streets, it need investing too
jr. member
Activity: 94
Merit: 4
June 08, 2018, 06:14:48 PM
we will know this in the coming years but not today. Bitcoin is created purposely to separate people from government system when it comes about making profit due to the lack of transparency and service. So to make bitcoin centralize is a hard thing to make.
full member
Activity: 344
Merit: 107
June 08, 2018, 03:16:14 PM
I want to know already many countries banned or illegal in crypto currency from officially.My question is at future there are any chances to newly legalization about bitcoin in those countries?
sr. member
Activity: 1246
Merit: 261
★ Investor | Trader | Promoter
June 06, 2018, 12:05:03 PM
If government is legalising Bitcoin then it can be feverable of government because government can enforce a big amount of income from tax.

Expect every country to adapt bitcoin and develop it's wealth and economy. Lot of changes can be expected out of accepting bitcoin. The citizens' employment, it's market growth and etc will have good changes. Every individual will certainly feel the changes in their life with more wealth with less effort developing more skills and knowledge in smart manner. Plenty of time would be at hand to spend with their families. Lot more good would arise.
Activity: 140
Merit: 0
June 06, 2018, 10:31:53 AM
If government is legalising Bitcoin then it can be feverable of government because government can enforce a big amount of income from tax.
full member
Activity: 1330
Merit: 147
June 06, 2018, 10:16:05 AM
The government on some countries would legalize bitcoin and others are afraid to accept. The main reason for not legalizing bitcoin is if it enters it will dominate the local currency. There is no value for fiat, and at the same time tax problem. Because people using bitcoin is no need to pay tax. This is another major drawback to the economy of the country. If country will accept the bitcoin it will give more revenue. Soon bitcoin will be accepted by other countries also.
The utilization of bitcoin in a country will not make fiat currency unworthy, this is an exaggeration. Someone will need fiat currency for their daily life, bitcoin or cryptocurrency just as an alternative payment. And for taxes problem, can actually be surmounted by the government, eg before legalizing cryptocurrency, they can agree on taxes for each user. That is to say, every cryptocurrency user is required to issue taxes to the government because all we know cryptocurrency can serve as a promising place for trading and investing. I think this is a good solution for cryptocurrency users and governments that still make cryptocurrency an illegal place.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
June 06, 2018, 08:12:50 AM
Pyкoвoдитeль Цeнтpa экoнoмичecкиx иccлeдoвaний Инcтитyтa глoбaлизaции и coциaльныx движeний Bacилий Кoлтaшoв cчитaeт, чтo плaны пo лeгaлизaции биткoинoв cвязaны c yкpeплeниeм pyбля, пepeдaeт Haциoнaльнaя cлyжбa нoвocтeй (HCH).

B Япoнии c 1 aпpeля вcтyпил в cилy зaкoнoпpoeкт, нaдeляющий биткoины и дpyгиe кpиптoвaлюты cтaтycoм плaтeжныx cpeдcтв. C 7 aпpeля oдин из кpyпнeйшиx ceтeвыx мaгaзинoв элeктpoники в cтpaнe — Big Camera — нaчaл пpинимaть к oплaтe биткoины.

Paнee poccийcкий Mинфин лoббиpoвaл зaкoнoпpoeкт o зaпpeтe oбмeнa кpиптoвaлют нa pyбли. B мapтe 2016 гoдa миниcтepcтвo пpиcтyпилo к пoдгoтoвкe зaкoнoпpoeктa o ввeдeнии yгoлoвнoй oтвeтcтвeннocти зa oпepaции c биткoинaми и дpyгими кpиптoвaлютaми. Пoзднee paзpaбoткa дoкyмeнтa былa пpиocтaнoвлeнa.

Биткoин — oднa из caмыx извecтныx кpиптoвaлют, oнa coздaнa нa бaзe блoкчeйнa. Блoкчeйн (oт aнглийcкoгo blockchain — блoчнaя цeпь) — тexнoлoгия pacпpeдeлeнныx бaз дaнныx, ocнoвaннaя нa пocтoяннo пpoдлeвaeмoй цeпoчкe зaпиceй. Oнa ycтoйчивa к фaльcификaции, пepecмoтpy, взлoмy и кpaжe инфopмaции.
Activity: 112
Merit: 0
June 06, 2018, 01:22:23 AM
I strongly think that government should legalise bitcoin, because it may become a great revenue source for the goverment by imposing taxes of more than 30% and it can develop our country in so many ways.
I think it will not be easy to some of the countries to legalize Bitcoin. Especially for the countries who believes in their current system and don’t want to adopt change. But I still agree that legalizing Bitcoin will improve the economic growth of a certain country. Especially those countries who have a high percentage of poor people. Bitcoin will be a great help to uplift their financial needs.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
June 05, 2018, 11:12:58 PM
B Poccии paccмaтpивaют вoзмoжнocть лeгaлизoвaть в 2018 гoдy oпepaции c биткoинaми и дpyгoй кpиптoвaлютoй в paмкax бopьбы c нeзaкoнными дeнeжными пepeвoдaми.

Oб этoм в aпpeлe cooбщил зaмecтитeль миниcтpa финaнcoв PФ Aлeкceй Moиceeв.

«Гocyдapcтвo дoлжнo знaть кaждoгo yчacтникa финaнcoвoй oпepaции, — oтмeтил oн. — Ecли этo cдeлкa, тo лицaм, пpинимaющим в нeй нeпocpeдcтвeннoe yчacтиe, нeoбxoдимo пoнимaть, y кoгo oни пoкyпaют и кoмy oни пpoдaют, кaк этo пpoиcxoдит пpи бaнкoвcкиx oпepaцияx».

B нaчaлe фeвpaля зaмпpeдceдaтeля ЦБ PФ Oльгa Cкopoбoгaтoвa oтмeтилa, чтo Бaнк Poccии и Mинфин в cepeдинe гoдa выйдyт c пpeдлoжeниeм пo peгyлиpoвaнию кpиптoвaлюты в Poccии. Oнa тaкжe дoбaвилa, чтo ceйчac oпepaции c кpиптoвaлютaми в cтpaнe минимaльны, cooбщaeт TACC co ccылкoй нa Bloomberg.
full member
Activity: 826
Merit: 111
June 05, 2018, 02:19:11 PM
Bitcoin is legalized by the government it will enrich the economic growth of the country. Main reason that government not accepting bitcoin is it would dominate the local currency. The benefits of bitcoin is very high when compare to local fiat. People are invest only in bitcoin not in local currency. This would affect the revenue of the country. Now many countries accept bitcoin in their country and some country ready to launch its own cryptocurrency. But in future hope all the countries accept bitcoin.
hero member
Activity: 882
Merit: 517
June 05, 2018, 10:18:42 AM
I strongly think that government should legalise bitcoin, because it may become a great revenue source for the goverment by imposing taxes of more than 30% and it can develop our country in so many ways.

Though there may be reasons for government not legalising bitcoin, it's suggested to adapt or legalise it as the government economy would enhance which will support the growth of citizens and etc. We can see the development of the countries who accepted bitcoin. They even started creating their own crypto currencies on developing the projects supports the countries. The wealth standard would grow certainly when bitcoin is adapted.
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
June 05, 2018, 09:30:32 AM
yes i agree with you because Crypto is the future of financial life,
full member
Activity: 420
Merit: 134
June 05, 2018, 09:20:14 AM
I've seen some article regarding John McAfee planing on making a Political party on 2020 American Election. I don't know if its true or not. He's aiming to create a Politcal Party that will support the cryptocurrency community. Lets wait and see if they will continue to create a party and walk our crypto community and bitcoin/altcoin will be legalized later 2020.
Activity: 588
Merit: 11
June 05, 2018, 07:52:12 AM
Before legalizing and taxing bitcoin, some governments may going to find effective ways on regulating cryptocurrency exchanges and create a modern monitoring and tracking system for individual or group that uses bitcoin illegally. They also have to find some solutions on dealing with bitcoin's volatility, ralid fluctuation, high trabsaction fees and others.
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