Hi all
I have 2 Gpus in my rig and I wondering about cooling. I have two case fonts at the top on blowing up out of the case and one at the top back blowing out.
Would I be better moving the back fan to the side panel and blowing air in over the cards?
Or should I just buy another fan?
If your cards are <80*C under full load, don't worry about it. If you don't care much for aesthetics, simply removing the side panel like boobies suggested will often reduce hardware temps by a couple or few degrees at no cost. If you aren't too excited about that, you might want to consider "PCI" fans, which mount in the back I/O panel similar to how a GPU does. There aren't many manufacturers, and they're usually pretty flimsy, but they get the job done and they're cheap.
Not recommending this, but here's an example of what I'm talking about:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1470P80640Alternately to all that, if you have the side panel open, grab a box fan laying around, put an air filter over it (super-cheap furnace filter is a great choice), and have it suck air out of the case (sometimes this might be bad.... see how your PSU and case fans are blowing air -- if you aren't conflicting with them, it's pretty freakin' effective). ETA: If all fans are blowing out, box fan should blow in.