Pulls 616 watts at the kill-a-watt meter
Aorus 1080ti 716 h
About 75 power limit
Core 125 1843 core
Vm. 346 5346 memory
Zotac 1080 ti. Fe 660 h.
Power 72%
Core +180 1721 core
Vm. +360 5355 memory
Zotac 1080 mini. 500 h
Power 72
Core 222 1709 core
Vm. 444 4957 memory
Total 1876 using 616 watts at watt meter
thanks phil, please add mining software & OS to submit those cards.
Btw, on values like Core: 200 and Vm. 350, is it 2000 Mhz (Core)/3500 Mhz (Memory)?
those numbers are msi after burner settings.
so I made some corrections above. put in actual msi readings for core and ram on each of the 3 cards