yeah, but @ this rate it doesn't really seem like it'll happen -- its been "ready" for what, a year? and keeps getting pushed back in ETH forks -- to the point they'll say POS is so soon why even bother w/ the algo it has been fine this long ... even though they'll probably move to . a hybrid pow/pos for awhile or ever
honestly its really boring to even think/talk about at this point, idk how any miner could have any faith or interest in ETH at this point
Per Greerso
ProgPoW was proposed March 2018, and 100% ready by the end of 2018 and reference the January 2019 ETH dev call.. so basically progpow was ready in 2018, could have been implemented @ any point in 2019 and now its 2020 -- if you had held your breath, you would have surely died by now lol