What is Realstackcoin?
=-= StackCoin was one of the biggest IPCO heists in Altcoin History =-=
reference: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/annstack-stackcoin-get-in-now-fast-decrease-launch-22022014-457575
In response, the Altcoin community banded together to deliver on the promises of Stackcoin.
Hence was born: The RealStackcoin
This.. is a reverse-scam coin.. an anti-scam coin. We took a scam, and turned it upside down.
Wallet Links
Windows+Daemon: https://mega.co.nz/#!nsIyhAKQ!36wQd48T1CA1pOTVQn9bi5kZTdluhyosIL56y0cesqs
Mac OSX: https://mega.co.nz/#!3tIRwJyZ!SIFR2tg7qfishqcOo_AjVB0n_JpNfXqsOPH9KrPBNnQ
Github/Self compile linux: https://github.com/micryon/realstackcoin.git
Not interested without an IPO...
Also, STFU