What they need to do is get out of this political-centric lifestyle (i.e. indebting their children so they can laze around today), and get back to work so they can pay back what they owe to the rest of the world. Instead, they got all these fancy new ideas purported to help the economy, just like all "well-meaning idealists" love to do, and which will worsen the problem and result in a new idea which will be purported to help the economy... But all it is, is for the "farmers" to find new ways to prod the "cows" to produce more milk (that is, at this point in Greece, the "cows" just aren't producing much at all), while refusing to give the "cows" enough space to actually produce since, y'know, that'd cut into the "farmer"'s paycheck and fundamental life role, which is to be narcissistic and persuasive enough to convince the "cows" that "farmers" know what's best for them. To escape the political-centric lifestyle is as simple as rejecting the notion that people are cows in need of farming; there has never, ever, ever been political action to have productive and beneficial results in the long-term, so long as we don't include "inaction" as a form of action. If you've never read The Road to Serfdom, now's a good time, so you can see what this is leading to (here it is in comic format:
https://imgur.com/a/y0d33 ) Greece doesn't need any more ideas or plans, they need to go back to what worked.
Anyway. I'm interested to see if Greece will pull out of this situation or continue to spiral into a North Korea sort of "democracy", where the political owners have to literally force their citizens to work to continue on as a political unit (it just so happens, North Korea has the worst economy in the world; how they're yet a smoldering hole in the ground eludes me.) The fools in Greece fell for the thousands-years-old "we can give you everything you'll ever want if you just follow us with complete faith" gag that swallowed up so many nations in the past; they're just calling it socialism nowadays and painting it like it's something grand, when it's just more of the same that's been screwing them over: political spending sends wrong signals to market-participants makes the economy slow down because nobody knows what the market is actually like in reality anymore (plus, handouts disincentivize people from working because shit, they can just "tax the wealthy", e.g. borrow with no intent of paying back, and never work again!), nobody knows how to allocate resources effectively or productively anymore (least of all politicians; you can look at the USSR for how it worked out when market signals were almost completely obscured and their central planners had to look at the American economy to have any sense of how to allocate anything), nobody can generate capital correctly which leads to spending the capital the generations prior built up until no capital exists anymore, all that prosperity people produced via capitalist principles is gone, and all that's left is you, your state, and your compulsory participation in keeping your nation surviving at a baseline level, which they will say is owed of you for your "right to live there."