Trading without money, time, emotion and mental management is the right approach to get yourself trapped in various difficult situations and conditions, losing financial stability will be the main impact that you will feel and experiencing mental and psychological problems is another impact that will soon follow. Basically there is no coercion or even threats from any party to you to always force yourself to stay in the market, remember that trading will only be profitable when you are at the right time and situation. Everything must be balanced especially your mental and psychological, because the best decisions will only come from within you when you are in a calm situation without any influence from emotions, so try to first understand some of these points if you want to really become a trader who always succeeds in making opportunities and opportunities into profits.
I like that approach because with a clear mindset fresh ideas will comes up and without any rush you'll be able to figure out what will be the appropriate decision that will bring you to a potential success, as I mentioned there's should always a limit for you to take some rest instead of pushing hard to recover whenever you lose your position.
Things are more complicated if you don't have the right approach to anticipate the next market movement, trading always benefited those who understand both risk and potential profits.