hello and welcome. there is plenty to learn about btc, but you are in the right place!
there are many, many helpful and kind users here, but please be aware of security though... it only takes one bad actor to spoil it all for you, and there are a few lurking here, waiting to prey on earnest but niave users such as yourself. It is safe to live by the motto "trust no one" however, by vetting any user here that offers anything you need to think twice about you can mostly rest assured you are safe. check the past postings of anyone offering anything you might think could lead to losses for you, not just their trust rating (these can be fudged)
also learn about safety regarding storing of your coins. one hack and all your hard earned btc can disappear and the thieves are almost never caught. taking safe measures can protect your assets, but please be safe instead of sorry. I am always afraid new users will have one (preventable) bad experience and then give up on btc altogether, which is always a shame because the more minds and creatives the btc economy embraces and supports, the better it is for all. one tip... be very careful when clicking links. this is a common way to put malware on your machine which will steal your coins. One can protect himself by using a very good malware protection software (I use malwarebytes pro) checking links at the website virustotal.com, using a hardware wallet to store coins and being generally cautious and extremely skeptical before clicking links. never click any link in emails from people you dont know, double check ones from people you do know (in case of phishing scams)
I dont want to scare you, but I cant emphasize security enough. if you have doubts or questions, do ask them here, there are many here willing to offer advice.
Since you are a musician, obviously seeking to market your art over the internet, I urge you to look at this BTC backed service here
https://www.ascribe.io/ it is a method for transferring ownership of digital content over the blockchain, and i really believe it could be huge for the future of marketing digital content that needs to be sold and copy-protected. (I hope you checked those links first
I assure you they are ok, but always check!!)
good to have you aboard, and best of luck!