Go read the context. Someone was asking me why I'm not doing the some PR blitz to influence people's thinking. My response was that I don't care to win people over, that if Bitcoin's survival depends on constantly making rescuing it with a political sales pitch and a mass market PR campaign then I think that would mean that its already a failure. I don't actually believe it is a failure but I'm not frightened of it becoming one, though I'd think it would be a bit sad to have wasted many years chasing a windmill and for the world to lose this opportunity; but that said, I can just leave if it goes the highly centralized route, and go work on something that still has a prospect of success-- there are just too many important things that need to be done. I don't think there is anything "threatening" or anything about that.
I care a lot about defending, protecting, and nurturing the system, but not so much that I feel compelled to go around trying to reprogram people to get my way. To even admit that doing so would be possible is an admission that the system cannot work. So I'm happy to continue to just communicate frankly in the forums and means that I normally communicate in and see how the experiment pans out.
In my opinion, reddit has never been the center of highly critical thinking. Lately r/bitcoin seems to be a game of "follow the leader" - much like you mentioned it appears they only wish to reprogram folks to get their way. I also agree that insane and annoying sales pitches do more harm than good.