What's the expected weight anyone know?
Just throwing out some guesses, I'd say each chip is less than half a gram. Assuming .5grams per chip you'd be looking at about 11lbs minus packaging. If we assume a 1:1 ratio of chip weight to tape weight (again, very high), but let's assume it, we're looking at 24 lbs. Figure another nice liberal number for box(es), and call that 6 lbs. 30lbs all told, if we're talking reels.
If they actually do come in trays (which I've never seen for a chip that small), it's a whole different ball game...
Bottom line, we WAAAAY over-paid for shipping. But that's a fact of life when dealing with China. They jack the shit out of shipping... But what do you do, when it's a 'take it or leave it' type of deal?
I balked at paying an equal share of shipping for an unequal share of chips, but again, I'd rather have the chips than not, so we pay what we gotta pay.