we do not see any progress on your project
we want to know the flow of this project
where I can get the information
Hi, it's good question
at the moment our team helping ethercall.io team to realise the project,
according our plan for ethercall.io - "January 2018 - mvp (minimum viable product) on ethereum testnet".
The main agreement details of the project:
1) GroupTokenAlliance have 51% of ethercall.io. we are investing knowledge and some money (ether).
2) GTA is token for use in ethercall.io (stakes will be in GTA)
3) Alfa version - Q1 2018
3) After successfull start ethercall.io can create its token (GroupTokenAlliance will own 51% of it)
There are three developers: one from GroupTokenAlliance team (our advisor) and two from ethercall team (startup team).
The development process is complex and it's not public.
All the project news and its progress will be anounced in this blog post, twitter and facebook.
Stay connected
Thank you