Try the newest version of chainminer, IIRC it could help with miso-errors. Just run git pull && make clean && make in the chainminer directory. Obviously after making a backup
Abracadabra. Would love to end my MISO-error party, but can you please get one level lower on the raspi skill ladder.
So the software 'knows' where to get the git?
And we only run the command "git pull && make clean && make"in the folder /opt/bitfury/chainminer/ .
Do we need root access to do this, or is user "pi" good enough for this task?
I'd love to just try and break something to learn afterwards how to repair and prevent it, but in this case, I'm going to arrange the backup first.
EDIT: Tnx for indexing puffmais. In fact, it is the second post ;-)
EDIT2: Improvement of about 20 GH to 50 GH on 2-board Starter Kit ~ 1 board pencil modded, which already threw out a lot of MISO-errors, which automagically disapperead after updating the chainminer.