FINALLY SUCCESS. Well a little bit. After contacting my ISP I was able to change my IP address in my router. SO now I can use BE Blade AND connect to internet. I also set a Static IP address. I watched this video and changed my computer IP as a I said. Good thing I did because once my router IP address was changed I lost my computer internet. So I went in and reset the computer IP settings to match and all is working.
STEP 2 MASK is default. I don't think I need to change this.
Step 3 GATEWAY I have this set to my computer's IP address. IS that correct?
STEP 4 WEB PORT defaults to 8000. Do I need to do port forwarding on my router? If so my router says 'Enter the "Server IP Address".' DO I enter the IP of my computer since it is acting as a server? Or do I enter the Blade IP?
The router says "
Enter the following information:
External Port Start
External Port End
Internal Port Start
Internal Port End
Remote IP"
I think this would set up a port between my PC and my Blade. So the PC is the server and the blade is the remote IP. I know the protocol is TCP. I guess I can try external port start/end 8000 and internal port start/end 8001. But I don't even know what I am doing here. SO if any one has a better suggestion I am all ears.
DO I need to port forward to my mining pools ports 3334,3334? If so are they the server or the remote IP?
STEP 5 and 6 I just entered the primary and secondary DNS from my router. Is that right?
STEP 7 PORTS 3334,3334 are the ports I want to connect to at,
STEP 8 Server Address,
STEP 9 USER:PASS richg21.worker1:,richg21.worker1:
This is my goal "Stratum Servers: Please use -o stratum+tcp:// in your command line. You should name your workers richg21.
(e.g. richg21.worker1). Workers are added automatically, you can use any/empty password. The minimum stratum difficulty is 16. Support:
[email protected]" I need to forward this to the webmaster.
I have updated my .bat file to read "cd C:\Program Files\Stratum Proxy
mining_proxy.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -p 3334" I guess using -p is better than before if you read my previous post. BUt it still won't work. Maybe I need a different version of Python??? Maybe my syntax is bad. I might post this issue in a mining trouble shooting forum.
I need to work on BGCminer some more but I think it is time for dinner. SO thank you for tuning in.