Wouldn't really do you much good unless you wanted to flash new firmware to that chip.
i suspect that you are highly right. looking into this chip, the pins 30/31 look like rx/tx pins, so i could solder something up to them, but 1st i may have to de-solder the dead silabs CP2102 and look for the rx/tx pins to it. may look for continuity between them pins.
it just peeves me off that this is the 3rd product ive owned that does not have protection (eg: usb data bus fuses) between the usb and the uart chip..
im going to hunt out some wiring, solder and a 4x1 pin joby, and attempt this tonight, been a little to busy last few days to attempt it.
Whilst im at it, think its worth getting one of them silabs usb-uart converter (plug, pins and chip on a black pcb) off ebay for $1.50? just to rip off the chip and solder it into place?