[7] Edit the
/etc/rc.local file.
sudo vim /etc/rc.local
[8] Replace
'exit 0' line with the following.
#configure gpios
gpio mode 1 out
gpio write 1 0
gpio mode 0 out
gpio write 0 1
[9] Reboot the unit.
sudo reboot
Somehow the WiFi gets broken by following these steps.
EDIT: I did not actually follow the steps! Thought I'd be extra clever and stuffed it up, see below. It still works before the reboot at the end, but after the reboot it malfunctions:
It tries to connect to the previously set WiFi network and it shows the name of the available networks for a minute or two, but then it loses the ability to detect any WiFi network.
I tested it with a fresh SD card etch of Armbian_22.11.1_Orangepi4-lts_jammy_current_5.15.80_gnome_desktop.img.xz but unfortunately I did not reboot multiple times after each step. Will etch a new SD card and reboot frequently to figure out which step breaks the WiFi.
Progress: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade does not break the WiFi.
git clone
cd wiringOP
./build clean
cd && gpio -v && gpio readall
output similar to n0nces guide
does not break the WiFi
I found the culprit:
sudo mv rk3399-orangepi-4-lts.dtb /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3399-orangepi-4-lts.dtb
makes the WiFi unusable.
Now what?
Next time: Rename the original
file so that it does not get over-written by the file from the Apollo SD card. The I can at least get WiFi working again without rebuilding from the SD card etching step.
EDIT: I think I found the solution:
I was uncertain which file to use to replace the file in the /boot/dtb/rockchip/ directory.
Most likely my assumption that I have to use the one with -lts in it's name is to blame for the WiFi malfunction!
Stupid me thought "It's the armbian LTS version, so I use the .dtb file named rk3399-orangepi-4-lts.dtb "
There are three similar files on the Futurebit Apollo SD card in that /rockchip/ directory:
This time around, I did this:
cd /home/p/rk3399-orangepi_dtbs_from_Apollo_SD-card
sudo mv rk3399-orangepi-4.dtb /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3399-orangepi-4.dtb
After this, the WiFi is still working.