p.s. I tried --gc3355=STM32 but this didn't seem to work.. still fails with "GetLastError:2".
Make sure to uninstall whatever drivers you have had installed (zadig etc.) for the STM32, then replug the USB and it should show up under COM ports.
Zadig doesnt appear to be installed as such, as I understand it, Zadig is a standalone .exe that lets you change drivers? I tried changing the driver to something other than WinUSB (with Zadig), uninstalling from device manager, and uninstalling the STM software. Still the gridseeds get instantly recognised as virtual STM ports with no port number when I plug them back in.
Is there something else I need to uninstall? I had read elsewhere that finding the COM port number wasn't necessary if you just set --gc3355=STM32 in the bat file - but this doesn't seem to work, in your build at least.
Also I tried setting the COM port from 1 though 15 in the BAT file to try and find the right number through trial and elimination, but no setting worked for me.
In the device manager right click the virtual STM32 and uninstall the driver make sure to click delete the driver software. Plug back in the gridseeds and wait for them to be installed and assigned COM ports