It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create Bitcointalksearch.org - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
HTML textarea example:Code:
HTML textarea example:Code:
9. "Not English; in a English section." you could expand with "This x language, move to.
10. "NSFW image which has no warning/tags", "NSFW image which is embedded within the site" or a combination of both if both apply.
11. "Link to a site which is universally illegal"
12. "Duplicate post/thread:
13. "Multiple bumps within 24 hours. "
14. "Wrong section, doesn't belong inmove to "
15. "The original post is offering an incentive to its users for posting on their topic. ''.", if quoting to an external site "The people behind this thread are offering an incentive to its users for posting on the topic. External site: "."
16. "This user already has other active threads within the currency exchange section: "
17. "Trading of illegal goods that is considered illegal worldwide."
21. "Multiple old bumps in the thread which have not been deleted."
22. "This post was made for the sole intention of advertising a service/product within another users thread."
24. This post/thread does not warrant placement of an advertisement, because it's not substantial enough."
25. "This user is ban evading: here's the post connecting the two accounts: "
26. "Broken local rule."
27. ""This post is badly translated, and doesn't make sense. Suspected automated translation. Please check here for an identical translation: https://translate.google.co.uk/#auto/ar/This%20is%20an%20example"
30. "User has posted marketplace items which are similar in other threads: "
31. "I'm reporting this user for their NSFW avatar, and not the contents of this post."
32. "User has posted multiple posts in a row which aren't bumps."
33. "plagiarism without providing a source: "How do I report?Every thread/post in this thread has a "Report to moderator" button at the bottom right. This can be clicked, and will take you to a page with a text field which you can include the above examples, and any other information for why you are reporting the thread/post. I'll include a image below of what this button looks like.Additional tools
The patrol page displays all recent posts of users with the rank Newbies/Brand new. This page is quite useful in finding infringing threads/posts due to many new members are unfamiliar with the guidelines of the forum. It's also proven useful for finding bot accounts.
Report History
Only users who have reported a certain number of reports have access to this page
This is probably one of the most useful features related to reporting. Basically, this shows you a history of your reports, and whether they have been marked good, bad or are unhandled. This page can be used for ongoing evaluation of your reporting habits. Use the information on this page to improve the quality of your posts.
This tool can be accessed through the "report to moderator" page. The button to access this page looks like:
This will bring you to a page which looks similar to this:![]()
This is the time that the report was made.
This is the topic which was reported or the post that has been reported. By clicking on this link it will bring you to the reported post, unless it has been deleted.
This is the user that was reported. These have been blurred out specifically for this thread for privacy reasons , however on your report history the username will be shown.
This is the status of the report. If the report has been dealt with, and marked either bad or good they will show this. For example, Good reports will be marked "Good", bad posts will be marked "Bad", and unhandled reports will be "unhandled".
The Modlog is a log of deleted posts, banned users, and threads that have been removed. This can be used to track how users are dealt with, and researching a user that you are reporting. Sometimes you might find that this user has had several posts deleted recently, and might want to include these log(s) within your report to further your point.
Other than that you can check this page periodically to see how much work the moderators are actually doing. (a lot)
The Seclog is a log of users that have recently woke up from a long period of time or changed their credentials. (email/password) This can also be used to further the quality of your reports. If you are reporting an account for spam for example, you may want to check the Seclog if you suspect the account to be compromised due to change of posting style. You could include the quote of this log, and this could be investigated further by the mods.
Plagiarism checker
There are many different plagiarism checker tools out there, but I've found this one to work pretty damn well for me. Of course, you can do manual searches through a search engine, however this just makes it quicker, and easier.General advice
When reporting users that are spamming/paid bumping of a thread, check the original topic, social medias, and website to see if they are offering an incentive to post as this is usually the cause of the spam. If they are then you don't need to report each of the spam comments individually, and can just report the thread following the explanation, and example of number 15.
A few of these examples may be a little too in depth for the majority of posts being reported, and a thorough explanation isn't always required for simpler reports. However, the clearer you are the better. This doesn't mean that short, and to the point reports aren't sometimes better. Generally, I only include lengthy explanations, and evidence on the more complex cases. However, I've had a few reports marked due to not elaborating enough the first time around which I've later included the reasons why I reported, and then its been marked good. Remember, just because you have seen a phrase repeated multiple times through a thread, doesn't mean the moderator reviewing the report has.
When using the patrol page CTRL+F which opens a find bar in your browser can be quite useful in finding infringing threads/posts. For example, you could type in common phrases which are copy, and pasted or perhaps searching for "r=" which is a common identifier for referral spam.
It's almost always better to use the "report to moderator" button than posting a thread, and reporting them publicly. There are many reasons why it's better, but generally this results in less spam within the Meta section, Easier for the moderators because it goes straight to their queue, and finally protects the privacy of the user that is being reported. Not all posts that break the guidelines should be dealt harshly. There are certain guidelines such as plagiarism, and ref spam which are a little worse than others. However, if you can protect the privacy of a user then please do so by reporting using the "report to moderator" button. Sometimes opening a thread in Meta to report multiple users could be beneficial, however this is usually when reporting a large amount of users, and particularly complex cases. As a general rule if you can use the report to moderator button then do it instead of opening a new thread.
Sometimes your reports will remain unhandled because they have been left for a higher ranked staff member. For example, a dedicated moderator of a section, might leave it to a global mod/admin to deal with because it requires looking into things that the dedicated moderator might not have access too. However, reports can stay unhandled sometimes due to the staff member not marking it good or bad. This could be because they weren't sure whether the report was good/bad. For example, you might report a spam post, and the moderator might agree that it's mostly spam, however it might bring up a point which justifies it being made, and not removed. This situation could be a prime example of when a report might remain unhandled. Don't worry too much about unhandled reports as they have no bearing on your report percentage.Benefits of reporting
1. It results in a cleaner, and more readable forum for everyone.
2. It can help move threads to their appropriate sections, and results in a better categorized forum.
3. Helps the moderators by allowing them to act on reports rather than them actively looking for infringing threads/posts.