Hello, masterof101010 - I'm one of the sellers on the list, so I'm a bit biased of course, but all of the resellers on the list are held to certain standards. They A) are supposed to sell Gunbot at the same base price (no price bidding wars), B) are supposed to provide base level support to ensure you are not sold a license and then left high and dry, wondering even where the documentation is and C) there are no territorial agreements.
If you like the language, the style, the geography, the extras or the website of a certain reseller, then you can buy from anyone on the list that suits you. I highly highly highly recommend you avoid anyone not on the list. They are likely a scammer or someone too new to judge accurately.
There are three things that account for the price jump from 0.08 BTC to 0.15 BTC from Gunbot Pro to Gunbot Ultimate:
- +5 exchange licenses (0.028 btc/ea)
- Trading View license (0.028 btc/ea)
- currently offered: future exchanges as well (subject to change)
That 0.15 BTC value is the fact that you get all 8 current exchanges PLUS future exchanges PLUS TradingView PLUS Cryptosight. Taken separately, that would normally be 0.5 btc or so.
So, it's not just Trading View - With Gunbot Ultimate, you get to diversify your trading -- access the volume, currency pairs, trading profile and activity across the entire globe, with all the exchanges Gunbot supports:
- Poloniex
- Bittrex
- Binance
- GDAX/(now Coinbase Pro)
- Bitfinex
- Kraken
- Cryptopia
Diversification is important - some of these have pairs the others don't. Some have PERIODS the others don't. Some have pumps before the others don't. Sometimes, an exchange goes down for a day or two and then where will you be? NOT TRADING, that's where.
That's the pricing.... Now for the TradingView aspect.
TV = TradingView module. This is an optional add-on to Gunbot that expands the strategies it can use to decide to buy or sell. Instead of the built-in strategies, you can configure TradingView to use all sorts of crazy indicators and send a BUY or SELL signal. The TV plugin allows Gunbot to respond to these signals.
On its own, Gunbot can enter or exit trades with a number of strategies, and you can mix and match 5 of them:
Or you can use these two standalone:
With the 5 you can mix and match, you can buy with one and sell with another -- for example, buy with BB (bollinger band) and sell with STEPGAIN. On top of that, you can throw on a confirming indicator on buy and/or sell, like RSI. It's pretty powerful.
However -- and this is the however -- some people want MORE power.
As powerful as Gunbot is, especially for the vast majority of people who come into the crypto and trading space, there are those who are advanced enough to want to define their own indicators on TradingView -- tradingview.com, that is.
The TradingView module allows you to create your own strategies over there, create an alert, and then integrate that alert to notify Gunbot with a signal to BUY or SELL. It's like an extension to Gunbot. Additionally, with exchanges that support it (Poloniex for now), you can enter margin trades (ie, shorts).
GBU Bachelor program has a few videos about TradingView for more deep dive, including more on backtesting the strategies, which can be done on Trading View with tuning scripts made available from another Gunbot long time contributor named allanster.
There are a few tutorials here and there, and also part of the video tutorials in our Bachelor membership has full walkthroughs of how to set up Gunbot on a VPS.
What might also be of interest is that GBU (Gunbot University) offers ready-made Gunbot VPS for all the Gunbot packages. That means you can get your Gunbot package, and VPS together. If you buy your Gunbot from us, you also get free month of membership to our subscription service of education services (Gunbot Ultimate package gets lifetime membership). Our VPS comes with Gunbot already set up, installed, configured and ready for you to do the rest. We hand it over to you, ready to run, with no problems, home internet or firewall problems, no virus dangers, no power outages, no connectivity problems, no lag, no jitter/latency, you don't have to worry about Windows rebooting and ruining your trades during a bull run, or the neighborhood kid down the street hogging your bandwidth, or Net Neutrality or losing time getting things working.
These packs come with Gunbot license and 3 months of VPS (price break on the VPS). We also put the VPS geographically near the exchange for better performance and faster trades. If you get your Gunbot license from someone else, I might cry a little bit, but I'll be fine. You can still get GBU VPS and we will host your license for about $30/mo for up to 6 exchanges (3 instances).
We even install Gunbot Monitor for you (gmon) and give SSH access if that's your style, and if you want other add-ons like Zeno GUI, we can give a discount and we'll install that for you, too.
Professor Wally @ Gunbot University
gbu.run/ref/wally for more info
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