After reading way too many posts on this thread, I think I'm finally ready to take the plunge
Any reseller's out there that have time/interest to help set me up with a license at a great discount and a bit of help getting gunbot rolling!
Also, what is the preferred VPS provider being recommended for Gunbot? Cheap and reliable. If it makes a difference, I'm US based.
While I see Gunbot can run on most any platform, is one platform more stable/preferred (Ubuntu vs Windows?) I'm comfortable with Linux&Windows so mostly indifferent to platform - so prefer one that is most stable.
Also, which exchange is best supported by Gunbot. Seems like earlier in this thread (and I cant find it now), that some of the reporting options were not available for Cryptopia yet?
I have a cryptopia, kraken and gdax account - so any of those could work for me.
Please shoot me a message - thanks!!