If you want to improve your financial status you must improve yourself person who wants to get rich but is still in a poor mindset doesn't have a chance to achieve this goal, self-investment is the ideal first move like making your look more presentable, so if you talk to other people they will not just degrade you, next is to invest in knowledge, you can have this through your experience and of course to other people, reason why rich people becomes richer because of the knowledge they have gained to the billionaires and millionaires the power of mindset, next I guess one of the most important is ignore what other people says negatively and focus with your self and goal, making a financial plan is a risky way but again no one trust you but yourself to become successful if many people disagree with you its all your fault if you follow them its not other peoples decision what will happen in your life.
Spending extravagantly is one of the great habit that can lead to financial failures. Some one needs to be wise enough and extra careful while spending. like you must be very careful when buying items so you don't buy unnecessary things. Or some time the items might also be necessary but their other ones that are more important than the one in front of you, in that case, you need to go for the most important one.
One should learn the knowledge of how scale of preference works, and we should try and apply it in our day to day activities for our own good. We should try and know the difference between our wants and needs.
This failure is the key to our main teacher. By being guided by it, we continue to move forward, including expenses and income that are not balanced with income. Adjustments are needed to be made. We have to make financial decisions. Indeed, it is not easy. At least we keep trying until we succeed so as not to cause It is important to Cultivating healthy finances to avoid failure and wasting time can be felt in our daily lives, such as thinking all the time but without doing it, our thoughts and forth as if it is difficult to determine what to do, which causes us to fall and find it difficult to get up.
This year 2024 comes with a lot of economic challenges. one of them is the issue of inflation. So in these kind of situation, the best thing that one need to do to make things easier is by doing what we call cut and fill. That's, you look at the item you want to buy and choose the one you need at that particular time. make sure you don't just finish it up the way you use to do it before, but you can divide it into some parts like two. three or four as the situation may warrant. Then you discipline yourself by taking some parts like 2/3, 2/4, or 3/4 as the situation may warrant, just make sure you remain some parts of it to fill in or to add it to the one that you are going to buy in the future.
By so doing, you also don't forget to be keeping some money that you can use to invest in other businesses that would bring in income. But If one didn't have plan on doing anything, he or she is definitely and automatically planning to fail.