Basically I am constructing a retailing website with custom written software that should and needs to be tested. I am taking all the necessary precautions to keeping Bitcoins safe while at the same time making it an easy and friendly store to use for new commers to bitcoin. My ecommerce website will not only sell things but help new comers every step of the way to learning Bitcoin. I have purchased an SSL certificate so customers can even feel more safe. The slogan is "Never pay with a Credit Card Again" and that is the aim and drive of the whole store is to provide a way for people to purchase things with out feeling like they will puke when they get an overdraft bill the following month from their bank.
Anyways please RSVP if you want to sign up for the hack a thon day,
I will be participating in it my self(not enough time to participate, i will be adding more products to the list while you guys hack
). I plan it to be within the next month or so. The rules are simple in order to participate you must not DDoS or do anything that might other wise cause physical or hardware harm to the server it self. The aim is to attempt to find holes from the back-end programming(PHP/MySql/XSS) from cheaperinbitcoins and report them on the steps you took to recreate the hack. I want my website to be safe and secure. Also website suggestions are welcome too before or after the hack-a-thon event. Any date suggestions?
Teh Rulez:
Pay Per Report Per Person: 0.05 BTC (If you find a big security risk I will put in bonus of 0.5 BTC so that makes 0.55 BTC per huge security risk)
Reports must be through enough for me to recreate and verify
Target Website: Unreleased to the public.
Bug Count: 4
Security Flaw Count: 0 ( I haven't seen any database extractions yet)
Happy Hacking!