So Quantum Computers will be available to buy in the shops in lets say 10 years time from now and 5 years from now the first commercial business grade quantum computers will be available for sale for businesses.
Quantum computers can get anyone's private keys in fraction of a second.
The few quantum computers in the world today owned by the Big tech giants such as google, Microsoft, even china has one is used to harvest all that data from billions of people to a single point Ai. These quantum computers are massive, require a lot of cooling and are power hungry that require nuclear reactors to run them. But these are the 1st generation quantum computers.
Eventually these quantum computers will get smaller, more efficient to run off the electricity in your home and everyone will have quantum computer in their bedrooms when they hit the shelves in shops or on Amazon online in 10 years time but at a crazy price tag so not everyone can afford one in 10 years time but they will get cheaper and become mainstream especially with gamers for obvious reasons. Playing fortnite at crazy 16k resolution at million frames per second.
So how can Bitcoin survive in this technological quantum era? The B in Bitcoin stands for Bits. Quantum computing is Qubits meaning it can be a binary 1 or 0 at the same time similarly like a light switch being on or off at the same time that sounds crazy and impossible.
Will there be Qitcoin or somewhat?
"The public" are most likely to be the last people to ever get hold of this sort of technology. The very richest private investors and institutions, if not governments, are the ones driving this technology to the very edge of it's capabilities right now. Ironically that sort of computing power should be able to create defenses against hackers so unless they somehow get access to a separate control interface then it is unlikely they'll be able to do much nefarious with it either. Eventually computing power will be able to overwhelm the defenses of current technology, but you have to wonder whether Bitcoin or other financial services will be able to adapt to an emerging threat more quickly - if it is even possible to defend against, as 2-factor authentication and limiting access attempts might be required.