Someone asked that november devices have different file. It's true, and you have to copy that file from this thread some post's back.
Same commands apply I think.
There's this 0x86 line that you want to find.
It's been explained quite a few times so read back those posts, because somebody did tutorial on how to do this.
Myself i have copied that from the thread to /config/ and there it survives reboots. Then after reboot i copy this to /etc/init.d/
And if you don't do any modifications to hardware its quite impossible to achieve this.
My saturn is on floor level, sucking cool air. If I lift it to desktop height it starts to show fault 4. So it's on the edge.
You saying - just copy October file to November device? Will it work just straight out of the box?
Can you paste your file with description, which frequencies you've been using on November device?