above link is a ZIP archive containing some 17 hex files. The one called "S7LN_PIC_FIRMWARE.hex" is the original unmodified firmware found on the hashboards in my S7LN.
The remaining files are called "S7LN_userselect.X.production.AAA-BBB.hex" where AAA represents the cold running voltage and BBB is the hot running, in millivolts average per node.
I have cold-running files from 580mV to 690mV, where the hot is 30mV higher. I also have three files that set both hot and cold to the same for 700, 710 and 720mV - at those points, a clock rate that would require a higher voltage to start would also draw enough power to smoke out the whole board. Pretty sure anyways. I've tested up to 775MHz and 1020W wall (stock setting was 680W on my unit) without finding an unstable clock on even 710mV and I don't want to catch my boards on fire.
Anyway. If you want to make use of this, find yourself a PIC programer (I use a PICKit 3 that I've had since about 2013) and grab the MPLAB IDE software. What you'll actually need is the IPE side (Programming, rather that Development) but I'm not sure it's possible to download just the IPE without getting the whole thing.
If you remove the outlet fan from the unit, at the end of the boards you will see eight pinholes - one pair, and one set of six. The six are the ISP header into which you'd plug your PICKit.
The lowermost hole of the six corresponds to the header-socket hole on the PICKit that has been flagged (on mine there's a while triangle pointing to it).
You'll want to set the IPE "Device" drop-down to PIC12F1572. Under the "Settings" select Advanced Mode, and once in there click Power, set VDD to 3.3V and check "Power Target Circuit from Tool". For that to work right you're going to want to unplug the 18-pin cable from the board before you program it.
Once that's all configured, plug your PICKit into the board (you might need some wires or pins to connect the header socket of the programmer to the holes on the board) and click "Connect". If you did everything right, there ought not be any errors. Might get a box pop up saying something about low-volt programming and voltage mismatches or some such; just click "OK" and carry on. As far as I can tell it doesn't matter for this application.
You should be able to read existing code off the chip, which you can see in Memory View (View -> Show Memory). If you would like, click "Read" to pull all the existing firmware off and File->Export->Hex to save a backup copy just in case.
Click the "Browse" button associated with the Source path, and navigate to the new hex file of your choosing. Once that's loaded, click "Program" to push the new program to the board.
Make sure you plug the 18-pin cable back in before trying to mine again.
The program will turn on your board to the hot-start voltage value upon power-up of the controller board. The S7's software, once the OS is booted, will run cgminer for about a minute to get things warmed up and then restarts it fresh. My board firmware will start the cold running voltage about 35 seconds into the second cgminer run. If you're watching on a kill-a-watt, the power consumption should drop about 10% or so when it kicks over to cold-running.