do we have to provide facebook information on the airdrop application? not everybody uses it...
i would like to participate, my mining application:
PCs: Intel Xenon, i5 & i7 (different ones for example i7-6770HQ ), min. 8GB - max. 16gb
OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Ubuntu 16.04,
Browser: Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi, safari
GPU: 380x, rx580, 1060, 1070, 1080ti
Raspberry Pi 3
Android Phone (Samsung S7)
Hi polylogic. FB info is optional: you are welcome to provide it or not. Besides that, your PC looks good. We'd just recommend either Safari, Chrome, or Firefox for best GPU utilization. Not sure about the Raspberry Pi... we love those little guys but it may not have the power. And your phone is good, but what browser will you be using?
i like to join
win 7 64bit chrome, firefox
xiaomi m1 a1
Welcome harihebat: your PC config looks good. But for your phone, what browser will you be using?