You target the average joe. I'm wondering what the average joe would drive to use bitcoin. I guess his local dealer wants bitcoins, he heard of the darknet, he has to pay a ransom or so. Since normally bitcoin is geek money and only geeks get in fire when hearing about it. And since the usecases for average joe are very limited i think it is hard to catch him. Probably the use cases are the way to catch them, how the product is named might be second then.
At the end, with Bitcoin we have a pretty perfect name already. It sounds like internet money. We would not need to advertise the crypto aspect.
Exactly. I have some geeky friends, and even they are skeptical of bitcoin since they heard the bad news.
So we have to be populists and target each group with different marketing style, with the goal of raising the demand past their fears of bad news.
This becomes harder and harder with the bad news piling up. But we definitely need a marketing team for BTC.
Well, i don't fear the news so much. I heard alot of good news in the last time. For example huge financial times explaining bitcoins. Not the blockchain, bitcoin. Even newspapers for woman in their middle life.
I think the fame of bitcoin is rising drastically. And the bad news are not so very important it seems. People forget, people will think they were simply not informed enough. Heard rumours only and now they read an article in the newspaper.
I don't fear the bad news so much. Especially the banks interest in the blockchain gives bitcoin a big boost. I mean if banks are interested then IT HAS TO BE important.
And banks invest in the blockchain because they think it's the future, then newspapers write about and banks thinks it has to be the future when newspapers write about... circle of fame for cryptocurrencies.