I have heard about halving when the price of bitcoin was at $380 (about 4 or 5 months ago) and at that time everyone was saying that bitcoin price will be doubled at the time of halving , and today I am seeing that the price of bitcoin is around $650 so it happened as was expected.
not quite accurate..
difficulty decreases earnings every 2 weeks
imagine you are a miner
its not like you are getting 0.083 every fortnight of late 2015-early 2016 to get 1btc in february at $380
instead each fortnight would have looked more like
0.14 september
0.1134 october
0.091854 november
0.07440174 december
0.06026541 january
0.04881498 february
(total 1btc)
where last year (september 2015) you were like woo hoo 0.14btc at $240 thats $33 for 2 weeks work
then in february 24 weeks later(12 difficulty changes) ....urghh 0.0439btc at $380 thats $16.70 for 2 weeks work
in february you were not shouting woo hoo 0.0439btc = $66 (thanking halving speculation)
in february you were not even shouting woo hoo 0.0439btc = $33
now imagine the 4-5 months from february to now.
0.03954014 march
0.03202751 april
0.02594228 may
0.02101325 june
0.01702073 july
march 1btc was $415 so at first (ignoring the past) you were like woo hoo $16 for 2 weeks work
and before the halving even at over $650, you were like urghh $11 for 2 weeks work
and this next fortnight you will be like urghhhh $5.50 for 2 weeks work (if the price remains below ~$650)
so no where at all has bitcoins halving been "priced in" as some are saying as no where has mining been double profits
if it was double profitable and the price not only went UP due to difficulty(which it hasnt quite). but also the halving speculation would have pushed it even further.... meaning that right now 0.017 would be worth OVER $66
so that the next fornight where the bitcoin income is half of 0.17 would still net $33
so because this is not the case.. we have not yet seen significant price rises to stay ontop of difficulty OR/AND the halving
but it will come.. it just takes time
in short. the price changes previously are speculation in regards to roughly the difficulty if you take a wide longterm view.. not the halving