Summarizing from above (and general Bitcoin practice), it sounds like the ultimate process is:
- Download entire block chain into a file (copy the Satoshi client block chain file)
- Transfer chain (via air gap) to offline computer
- On offline computer, Scan QR into an app that can read the chain, sign a tx, and save tx to file (for all/part of the balance, to some other hot wallet address)
- Transfer tx file (via air gap) back to an online computer, and use an app that can send it to the Bitcoin network
Sorry for the newbish question, but can the Satoshi client do offline transactions yet? I'm not seeing it in the bitcoind help list.
You beat me to it. I was using QtQr to scan qr codes with a webcam on ubuntu. Not a Wasp but it's ok if you need to scan something once in a while on a PC.