However, you still haven't convinced me there is a problem. The current getwork()-based mining requires new work every 4 billion hashes, yes. But when combined with local work generation, or even direct mining on top of getmemorypool(), there is no performance problem at all. A normal CPU can generate work for several TH/s easily when implemented efficiently. I believe a few pools already use this.
Unless it becomes clear that there is an inherent problem with the current system that will limit mining operation in the future (as opposed to implementation issues because of the current state of operations), I see no reason at all for a hard fork.
Well the ASIC 'discussions' at the moment are suggesting 1TH/s devices ... these being the devices that are 10x what most people would normally use.
Looking at current technology, we have ~200 - ~800 MH/s devices in GPU and FPGA (of course there are lower also and a few slightly higher)
And looking around pools it is common to find users who have ~2 - ~5 GH/s spending a few thousand dollars on hardware.
gigavps received 4 FPGA rigs in the past couple of days that hash at around 25GH/s each - an order or magnitude in performance and cost
So if this ASIC performance change reality is even close to what is being suggested - an order of magnitude is expected and people like gigvps will be running multiple single devices that are in the hundreds of GH/s
Now this already puts a question mark over the statement:
"A normal CPU can generate work for several TH/s easily when implemented efficiently"
However, if we are talking more than an order of magnitude - then this statement is very questionable.
The point in all this is not that some people will be running faster hardware so yeah it may be an issue for them, it's that the whole network will be (at least) an order of magnitude faster in hashing since those who do not take up the new hardware will be gone due to the difficulty change being in the 10's of millions instead of 1's of millions and the cost to mine with current hardware prohibitive compared to the return.
The other solutions to this are saying that bitcoind code should be moved to the miner - decisions about how to construct a block header and what information to put into it.
i.e. a performance issue is solved by moving code out of bitcoind and into the end mining software.
Currently pools already do this anyway (but not to the miner) to make their own decisions about what txn's to include and how to construct the coinbase, but I see the idea that the miner code itself should take on this a very poor design solution ... almost a hack.
On top of all this is the network requirement increase on the current code base.
And order of magnitude higher I think is really not an option.