Thank you for your updates, it's really very helpful to us people that use bitcoin. Situations that are imminent are really unpredictable, which would be a big obstacle for bitcoins if made wrong choices. Bitcoin unlimit is an option so stay away, it will have a huge impact on bitcoin. It can even cause a bitcoin to crash. The miners are showing their greed, so ugly. I hope you keep the stance and refuse bitcoin unlimit
mempool bloat and fee increase (due to spam/congestion) is more about showing the network something needs to be done. and not about GREED
when you look at which team removed priority, removed reactive fee and replaced it with biasly increasing 'average' fee estimations you se its core that are pushing fee's up even if demand became low.
when you look at the stats of when mempools increase. you see there was a short rise and fall in june/july 2016 and a general rise after october.
this is normally done to sway miners into thinking something needs to change.
now taking into account that core CHOSE to avoid a node first pool second confidence building consensus event. and just do a give the vote to pools.
means you cannot blame the pools for having the vote and deciding one way or the other. its not their fault that nodes were bypassed.
also the timing of the mempool bloat events coincide with CORES bips wanting activation. shows who wants to sway pools into thinking something needs to be done sooner rather than later.
BU can accept blocks from core, xt, classic and others no matter what their parameters change to.
xt can accept blocks from core, BU, classic and others no matter what their parameters change to.
classic can accept blocks from core, BU, xt and others no matter what their parameters change to.
core's current and near future releases wont accept blocks from BU, xt, classic and others if parameters of the longest chain change.
meaning if core is left as the minority they would then need to ban nodes to keep a minority chain alive
meaning if core becomes a majority they would then need to ban minority nodes and blocks to avoid orphan headaches
other implementations want to work on the same playing field using consensus.. only core are the ones that are offering to do uni/bilateral splits.