they already deccided to stay with Core.
And that is only the purely mathematical side. You also have to factor in speculation, uncertainty, fud. People who dont know anything technical about bitcoin have to learn that there are now two suddenly. It will also have a major price impact. It will promote distrust in bitcoin. Markets hate uncertainty.
a central solution. awesome
in the long run definitely. But short and mid term the price devaluation would be significant. The ETH guys had to wait for what, 8 months now for the price to reach the former levels again. With a low of less than 30 % of the price before the HF.
That is how BU lost the name battle.
Polo too. I currently estimate a winning Bitcoin Core as more likely. However if BU would achieve to keep the major part of the hash power for a long time (say months) then sooner or later they would be regarded as the winning chain and market participants had no other choice than to recognize them as the true Bitcoin, also the exchanges. I dont think its likely right now, but its within the realm of possibilities.