Firstly, the 2FA codes are pointless for BCH recovery... TrustedCoin do NOT support BCH and have said they will not be supporting it in the foreseeable future. This means any Electrum 2FA account you have needs to be 2FA DISABLED when you restore to ElectronCash or you will not be able to sign the transactions.
Having the private keys is also not likely to help... as it is a 2FA wallet, it is a 2of3 MultiSig and all your addresses are actually combinations of THREE private keys. Two controlled by your seed, One controlled by TrustedCoin. You need the seed to be able to restore the two private keys to your local wallet so you can sign the transactions... as TrustedCoin will not.
I think you may need to test your seed in Electrum and forget about ElectronCash for the moment. Have you tried creating a new copy of your
BTC wallet in Electrum to see if the seed you have written down is actually the correct one for you wallet? It sounds like you might have accidentally created multiple wallets and have been using the "wrong" wallet... believing it to be the one created from your written down seed.
Electrum do the following:
1. File -> New\Restore -> enter a new wallet file name like "newWallet" -> Standard Wallet -> I already a seed
2. Enter your 2FA seed... you should see some text that says "seed type: 2FA" appear next to the "Options" button
3. Click next and you should be prompted to "Keep" or "Disable"... select DISABLE and click Next
4. Your wallet will be restored.
5. Check that the addresses in this "new" wallet match the addresses in your "original" wallet.
If the addresses match, you have the correct seed and you should be able to get your BCH
if they don't match, then you have the wrong seed and recovering your BCH is unlikely